It would be, but no one is doing it.
I appreciate telling others how 'well' you are doing is an important part of validating that position, otherwise it's a bit like peeing in your trousers, it gives you a nice warm feeling, but no one knows you are doing it.
Which brings us back to the OP.
Nearly everyone likes to indicate their success, measured purely in terms of money and stuff.
It's just that some are faking it, some are not.
In both cases, it's a form of boasting.
Only those doing the boasting claim otherwise.
Re your opening line...We already established, in all probability, this forum is frequented mostly by older, and by extension, more financially secure members. Not exclusively but it seems common knowledge that's the way it is for the most part.
I don't think you have (I know you havnt ) any evidence anyone is 'faking it'. That's quite inflammatory to be fair, a scattergun approach that taints everyone who has contributed with their experiences. Wealth is a very personal thing, one man's win in life could equate to another mans failure, its all very individual.
Boasting ? I suppose it's always at risk of being interpreted as such but that's not the reason I've related my experiences (assuming it was even aimed at me personally)..,but even if not I think it's fair to's a discussion about financial responsibility which proffers, expects, ellicits a response. We could all respond, yep, that's right, and add nothing to it. Of course people are going to bring their experiences, it colours the discussion, gives it some meat, otherwise what's the point of a one sentence response, that'd be just boring and bring nothing to the table.
Add to that, it illustrates what can be achieved with the subject matter. Anyone younger (or older ) who was interested in taking responsibility might take some heart, hope and something tangible from contributors good experiences.
They're not going to get that from a boring one line response that has no substance to it.
As an aside, there's one quite big factor in 'success' for want of a better word.....luck.
I had a very low to mediocre financial outlook for many years. Had a chance meeting with a stranger not happened, my lfinancial lfe could / would have been quite different. That chance meeting opened up a new career with good wages and prospects. Had the opportunity never happened, I'd have still conducted myself with financial care, but would have earned less, saved less and done less.