Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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I had a small snack - a flapjack. Just having a nut allergy there isn't many nice healthy snacks for a ride :S
try having an allergy to all dairy products! Even bread can't be ruled as OK until checked (skimmed milk pwd creeps into everything) and marg almost always has buttermilk in it nowadays... But I do have to have consumed the dairy to have issues, which is not always the case with nut allergies.

Seriously though I find Trek bars are great (I also love the Nakd bars, but they have nuts in them). Guess it will depend on how allergic to nuts you are though because they don't guarantee them to be nut free (the usual may contain traces of... get of out jail free card) but luckily for me, they are guaranteed dairy free.


Über Member
try having an allergy to all dairy products! Even bread can't be ruled as OK until checked (skimmed milk pwd creeps into everything) and marg almost always has buttermilk in it nowadays... But I do have to have consumed the dairy to have issues, which is not always the case with nut allergies.

Seriously though I find Trek bars are great (I also love the Nakd bars, but they have nuts in them). Guess it will depend on how allergic to nuts you are though because they don't guarantee them to be nut free (the usual may contain traces of... get of out jail free card) but luckily for me, they are guaranteed dairy free.
I'd hate to have more than my nut allergy. Basically i can handle really small amounts of it - something like a traces but not a actual piece of one. I''ll check out trek bars :biggrin: As its raining tomorrow i shall be productive and go to tesco!
I'd hate to have more than my nut allergy. Basically i can handle really small amounts of it - something like a traces but not a actual piece of one. I''ll check out trek bars :biggrin: As its raining tomorrow i shall be productive and go to tesco!
my favourite is the original Trek oat flapjack... but there are others. (and cheaper places to buy them singularly, but if you like them, then multipacks from here work out reasonably priced!


I took delivery of my Forme Longcliffe 3 road bike last week and completed 6.9 miles yesterday complete with puncture - ended with legs like jelly!
Going out again tomorrow weather permitting. Currently 48 yrs, 17 st and very unfit - it's a lot tougher than I thought on my legs!

I posted the above back in December having just ridden my road bike for the first time.
Today I managed my first 30 miler out with a friend, and some of that is down to the encouragement I received on here.
Thanks folks ^_^
My 50 miles today were powered by 3 fig rolls and this




Legendary Member
Still here guys. Thanks for the concerns.

Hello stranger, glad you have posted, a fair few of us were getting concerned.
Hello stranger, glad you have posted, a fair few of us were getting concerned.
Not been so well since Nov and all that fracas, I still ride but more as transport, speeds dropped a little but most rides around 15mph, well the longer ones, the shorter ones to much traffic, wind still doesn't bother, and I enjoy it more I think, so long as I can keep up the basic fitness I gained last year I am happy avg cad low 80's usually but I spin free enough.
Hope everyone is well


Senior Member
Me and the OH got out for a leisurely ride at lunchtime, just a 5 mile ride, which given he's not be on the bike since around Christmas (or if he has, both of us have forgotten!).

Weather was pleasant, sunny at times and rather mild, almost (but not quite) warm enough for me to break out the shorts. Saw a fair few other cyclist out and about, a number of them on the local MTB trails.

Climbed a hill I'd never dared to attempt before (40ft of climb over 950ft) and although I felt like I needed a nice lie down when I reached the end, I still made it up, which was a nice surprise as I'd expected to walk the bike. Might end up hunting hills next week. Maybe...

Still getting used to the new bars though, although I seem to have found the sweet-spot as far as angle/position goes. Need to throw a few longer rides at the set-up first, to see if everything's still fine 20 or 30 miles in. Still got in a bit of roadside maintenance though and earned my "man points" for the day by adjusting the O/H's front derailleur so he could shift to the small ring again. Odd that it was the limit screw preventing the downshift as he'd been able to move between rings OK on past rides. Ah well, it's fixed for now, at least.

@Nigelnaturist Good to see you around these parts again, and congrats on passing the 12k, that's quite the milestone.
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