Managed to squeeze in a quick half hour this afternoon to get my Feb total started. Only 5 and a half miles (5.4 technically, but that rounds up to a half

) at an average of over 11mph. Not bad for a fairly leisurely pace. I've started recording my rides with ye olde helmet cam after a mate was knocked off his bike earlier this week (he's doing alright, BTW), which brings it all home a bit. Being honest though, I'm more interested in the random things I see than policing the streets, but it's nice to know if anyone is a total prat the camera's there.
Speaking of total prats, I felt like a bit of one when I went over a speed bump and had my secondary rear light detach itself from the saddlebag and bounce along the road behind me. Thankfully it was a quiet road and nothing was behind me to grind said light to a fine paste. I stopped, collected it and it seems to work OK still. Not bad quality for a cheap thing I got free with some T6 lights, need to find an alternative mount for it though, seems it doesn't like fabric loops...
Weather looks good tomorrow, so might get the bike ready tonight for another run in the morning, although a driving lesson first thing means it'll likely be closer to lunchtime before I'm getting out.