Some really good rides appearing on here lately, many of which I think would leave me sat at the roadside gasping for breath with my legs seized up (I'm looking at you, @
This morning me and the scales had a proper falling out. It got to the point where things were so bad I actually moved them around the house, convinced the floor must be making it read on the high side. I think having tried them in the bathroom, the hallway, the kitchen and even the flagstones outside I might just have to accept they're right and I'm fat. Not that that comes as much of a surprise to me, given my recent eating habits. Time to pull up those cycling shorts and get out there, before I become too heavy for my bike (if I'm not already

Speaking of, I managed another quick 40 minutes on the bike between caring duties, just shy of 6 miles, similar route to yesterday, mostly residential streets, a couple of busy roads. Seemed to be a marauding headwind as no matter which was I was going it felt like I was being pushed to a standstill, except the brief minute I was tucked in behind a bus. That was bliss, and I almost decided to follow him just to keep out of the wind, but decided to peel off and fight the elements. Another good ride, all in. Sometimes it's nice to just stay local and do a short ride rather than go on a meandering 30 mile jaunt, and shorter rides are easier to squeeze in to busy days.