Did my normal 16 mile track then decided to ride my townie to the post office to send my heart rate monitor in for a replacement, it has been giving crazy readings and I was tired of fooling around with it. While in town I had my first encounter with a driver. I was going through an intersection in front of him, riding close to the white line as is required here by law. He tries to get by me and cut me off. I kept pedaling, he gets on his horn and I didn't like it so he got the middle finger. He comes straight after me. I get thru the intersection and pull over and he is rolling his window down cursing so I get off my bike approach the truck and said "you are going to do what?".
His eyes get big because I guess he didn't realize this wasn't a kid he was dealing with. So he starts backing down and tries to tell me I am on a bicycle and I have to stop and all sorts of other things one would expect from an ignorant red neck trying to get out of his latest mistake. He said you didn't give any signal, I said I was going straight!

I then start correcting everything he just tried to tell me and let him know that a bicycle is considered a vehicle just like his truck. I do actually know the law. It was my first go at educating drivers around here on bicycle safety, for the most part they are very good, this particular guy had to learn the hard way. It was sort of interesting.