- Location
- Bristol...ish
Mycycling log is a bit off as I haven't used it since I got the bike...but i'm only 110 miles away from 2000!!!!!!

New shorts required?Wont be for me unless I go fix a rubbing thats developed
. Any thoughts on replacing spokes on Shimano RS-10?
Did my normal 16 mile track then decided to ride my townie to the post office to send my heart rate monitor in for a replacement, it has been giving crazy readings and I was tired of fooling around with it. While in town I had my first encounter with a driver. I was going through an intersection in front of him, riding close to the white line as is required here by law. He tries to get by me and cut me off. I kept pedaling, he gets on his horn and I didn't like it so he got the middle finger. He comes straight after me. I get thru the intersection and pull over and he is rolling his window down cursing so I get off my bike approach the truck and said "you are going to do what?".
His eyes get big because I guess he didn't realize this wasn't a kid he was dealing with. So he starts backing down and tries to tell me I am on a bicycle and I have to stop and all sorts of other things one would expect from an ignorant red neck trying to get out of his latest mistake. He said you didn't give any signal, I said I was going straight!I then start correcting everything he just tried to tell me and let him know that a bicycle is considered a vehicle just like his truck. I do actually know the law. It was my first go at educating drivers around here on bicycle safety, for the most part they very good, this particular guy had to learn the hard way. It was sort of interesting.
Evans have some RS10 spokes but not sure front or rear.Pretty psyched with this evening's ride, I had tempo intervals on the menu combined with 3 x 30sec VO2 Max. I have now a better understanding as to which muscles are being used during cycling, based on the intense radiating pain after each hard interval. I'm getting an idea about my MaxHR which seems to be about 186-187 but I am not sure I pushed hard enough.
Managed to unclip left foot twice while pushing hard uphill (need more cleat tension I presume) but the worst was at the end when I busted a spoke on the rear. Poor wheel is so wobbly it won't spin freely as it's rubbing hard on the brakesI'm worried that I might miss the Sunday club ride. I need to check with LBSs to see if the stock shimano spokes as they seem to have a different design than regular spokes. Any thoughts on replacing spokes on Shimano RS-10?
You're in America, couldn't you just shoot him?
Evans have some RS10 spokes but not sure front or rear.
You're in America, couldn't you just shoot him?
I was going to say, after witnessing some rather violent traffic altercation involving steel pipes, wrenches and various other potentially dangerous items, I would think twice about confronting a nutter on the road. In the states with guns and all that, I would probably s**t myself if a mad trucker would come following me![]()
I have come to blows once or twice, these days I tend just to shake my head.It crossed my mind, I looked in to see if he had anything first thing. On the flip side, he didn't know if I had anything either, so it kind of evens things out. Makes a person mind their manners sometimes. This was a small pickup truck.
I think people don't realize that A LOT of women carry pistols in their purse. That kinds of makes would be idiots have second thoughts too.