I went out today and tried to stay in Zone 2 for an hour (lunch break) and it was incredily easy, if annoyingly slow at times but much more sustainable. Speed was in the low 11mph but I guess part of that was due to knobby tyres and using footpaths and pavements instead of roads.
Interesting to notice was that the start was slow and then the pace increased with time spent in saddle with end of ride being significanty faster than beginning. I tried to stay in the HR zone, regardless of how slow I had to cycle in order to maintain the target HR. It gets to show the effect of warming up and how the body gets more efficient at deliveryng oxigen and nutrients to the muscles as times passes.
Effort was minimal compared to how I normaly ride and felt like I could go on for hours. At the end of the 11mile stint i felt no fatigue at all and if anything, a bit more energized. This is the oposite of what I normally experience after only 1/2 hour or free cycling where it would appear that I push a bit too much for my fitness level.
I had the headphones playing music and I was receiving notificatios when to increase or decrease the heart rate to stay in the zone 122-142bpm. It was a fun experience and I'm looking further into the science of interval training.
That sounds great to me. I will definitely be looking into it more myself. We have tornado warnings in my area so I might not get to ride today. I just got home from a visit to my Cardiologist, he took me off two of my blood pressure medications.

He told me I will probably start feeling much better but he wants me to monitor my heart rate and come back in two weeks, unless my heart rate is above certain levels he gave me. I told him I have a heart rate monitor for my bike and would stay on top of it, he wants me to call and let him know in a few days anyway but that is fine. I am going to keep my rides very tame for at least the next week, tame even for me.

I do not want to alarm my Dr. and have to go back on these meds unless absolutely necessary. So ride or no ride I will have a good day...unless I get hit by a tornado, that might put a damper on things.
I am liking this cycling stuff more and more.