Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Just had a fantastic ride to take my mind of surface integrals; was meant to be a quick 20 miles but I got lost after about 5, rode on road signs and sense of smell for the rest of the way. Ended up about 30 very enjoyable miles on roads I hadn't ever ridden before.​
The pause at the big roundabout over the A14 was me desperately hoping that I didn't need to go on it to get back into town. Fortunately I didn't.​
Just had a fantastic ride to take my mind of surface integrals; was meant to be a quick 20 miles but I got lost after about 5, rode on road signs and sense of smell for the rest of the way. Ended up about 30 very enjoyable miles on roads I hadn't ever ridden before.​
The pause at the big roundabout over the A14 was me desperately hoping that I didn't need to go on it to get back into town. Fortunately I didn't.​
Pretty much what I did, went out to do 12 miles to take me over 300 miles for the week Sun-Sat, and ended up with over 30 miles, 2 50+Km rides today.


Senior Member
Did a couple of 9.5 mile loops today, one in the afternoon and one in the evening.

I just created a segment on one out of interest and accidentally gave myself my first KOM. :laugh: Only 42 people have ridden it but still, it's my first!
Set the time back in March on the Triban so I must try and improve on that the next time the wind is blowing hard in the right direction. ;)
Pretty much what I did, went out to do 12 miles to take me over 300 miles for the week Sun-Sat, and ended up with over 30 miles, 2 50+Km rides today.

Nice one, the spontaneous are the best! I wish I had more time for cycling. I don't have much now, and I'll only have less for the next few weeks; looking forward to Summer when I'll have more time. :smile:


Forgot to charge my phone, so no random pictures today. These Mud tires have really added a whole new challenge for me... I'm back to just being pleased for staying upright...that said I had one spill tonight when I got tangeled up in a tree (all low speed, right shoulder and wrist took the worse of the fall). Terrian varried from mud churrned up by livestock... some soft mud and some dry solid... to rutted neddle thin paths running through the woods. I thought I'd be pushing my luck with all the gorse up there, but no need for either spare tube I took. Quality countryside and a nice bike handling challenge for time I'll try photograph the terrian...was smiling all the way. No speed but I've yet to make 10 'off road miles', so staying upright deserves Kudos!
EDIT: actually with tonights ride thats 11.3 'off road miles'
300 miles in a week :hyper: I guess this cycling thingy can get pretty addictive. I admire you all who dedicate yourselves to such challenges :bravo:
I don't think I will be doing it to often. I was off the road for 5 days waiting for some new wheels (think I mentioned that once or twice) and had some distance to make up for this strava challenge.


Does this count 33.1 miles 31.2 miles
toward a metric century.
A total of 319.61 miles Sun-Sat @ 14.72 nearly a 100 miles than my previous best week which was two weeks ago and my 2nd fastest ever avg speed of 14.72mph with a total elevation gain of 14,165ft which again is my best ever though only third avg per day, and at 44.32 ft per/mile for the course not as steep as i have been used to.
I also got this KOM back toward the end of the ride.
mind only 3 on it.

If this was the road 'metric century league' page on this forum then no. But you have dome 100km today to well done, I would say that's an achievement even if they wouldn't


I wanted to do a 100mile weekend, today I did 48 of it via these two:

The morning ride included pushing a tractor off the road as the old looking man was struggling to push/stay sat/steer all at the same time. The evening ride included having a plane fly quite low overhear and in a dead straight line in-front of me as it was landing...pretty cool
Tomorrow will mean I have to do 52 miles if I want to complete the my mini-challenge :boxing:
I wanted to do a 100mile weekend, today I did 48 of it via these two:

The morning ride included pushing a tractor off the road as the old looking man was struggling to push/stay sat/steer all at the same time. The evening ride included having a plane fly quite low overhear and in a dead straight line in-front of me as it was landing...pretty cool
Tomorrow will mean I have to do 52 miles if I want to complete the my mini-challenge :boxing:
Never thought about that one, I could do 37 tomorrow, and finish the strava challenge as well.
^^What Steve says, any distance you break is an achievement, but the biggest one to me is not the distance or speed ( or lack of, because I am not fast), but the fact the hills are getting bearable, and the wind doesn't bother me so much (unless it's dangerous).


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
You boys are making me feel inadequate! :laugh:

There's me thinking that with a few miles tomorrow I'll crack the 100 mile a MONTH barrier.

I've a way to go I think! :rolleyes:

Think about it, 100 miles...on a bike. Its actually pretty damn far if you think bout it!!!!

As others have said, set your own targets and be happy when your reach them, and have fun, or the whole thing is pointless in the end.
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