Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Senior Member
Really nice afternoon out here today. Had hoped to be out most of today but haven't been well the last few days, so stayed in bed. Managed to get out for a very enjoyable ride. traffic, but of the super considerate type, lots of cyclists out, my favorite of which was a family descending Hatfield Bank, with an 8/9 year old girl shouting 'come on mum, I'm winning'. Great Sunshine and glorious countryside views. Bit of a random route but was never particularly lost. I also had not realised there are deer near me, around Croome. Got home a little sweaty and surprised at my speed, though Worcestershire is pretty flat. Throat feels a bit cut up but 'illness feel' of achy bones, loss of appetite, persistent grumpiness have all passed... so I guess the ride did me good!

16.6 mph average on a hybrid. :ohmy: I saw you completed the giro challenge with that ride - it's no wonder you're that fit I suppose!

I keep meaning to head out towards Croome Court way but never have. Must try and do that soon.

Worcestershire is not flat though, take it back! :tongue: Sometimes I see people's rides come up on my timeline and they've climbed about 300 feet in 40 miles and I think back to the 1000ft I just did in 20 miles, the flattest route I could have taken, and sigh. It could be worse I admit, it's not like it's Yorkshire or anything. Sometimes I wish it was more like Suffolk though!


it's dry meaning I went out. Did a distance I was hoping for, but the ridiculous climb South of Blagdon meant I struggled for the rest of the ride. Might try a flatter but just as long route next weekend and get it below 3hours.


Senior Member
it's dry meaning I went out. Did a distance I was hoping for, but the ridiculous climb South of Blagdon meant I struggled for the rest of the ride. Might try a flatter but just as long route next weekend and get it below 3hours.

Blimey 700 feet of climbing on that one, now that's a proper hill! Well done for getting up it, and the other two as well.


Blimey 700 feet of climbing on that one, now that's a proper hill! Well done for getting up it, and the other two as well.

I was in granny gear and at times I really struggled, had to walk at one point. The northern most hill, the one at the end around mile 32 is a proper slog, especially when you're legs have had enough but you stupidly decide to keep on going. I normally go out on a sunday with my mate who's on his mtb I missed the company on the straight moor roads for sure.


Senior Member
Never cycled so going an entire length of road for me without stopping was utter jubilation.


Well done, it all starts with that first ride. :smile:

I was in granny gear and at times I really struggled, had to walk at one point. The northern most hill, the one at the end around mile 32 is a proper slog, especially when you're legs have had enough but you stupidly decide to keep on going. I normally go out on a sunday with my mate who's on his mtb I missed the company on the straight moor roads for sure.

Yeah it does make a big difference when you have people to spur you on. I bet if he had been there you'd have been wishing you had the same gear ratios as him though!


Never cycled so going an entire length of road for me without stopping was utter jubilation.

you'll be doing as many as roads as possible before long :welcome:


16.6 mph average on a hybrid. :ohmy: I saw you completed the giro challenge with that ride - it's no wonder you're that fit I suppose!

I keep meaning to head out towards Croome Court way but never have. Must try and do that soon.

Worcestershire is not flat though, take it back! :tongue: Sometimes I see people's rides come up on my timeline and they've climbed about 300 feet in 40 miles and I think back to the 1000ft I just did in 20 miles, the flattest route I could have taken, and sigh. It could be worse I admit, it's not like it's Yorkshire or anything. Sometimes I wish it was more like Suffolk though!

Do you think a road bike will add much to my speed? It's likely I'll ride my Kona Dew Hybrid in the Shakespeare 100km.
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