Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Today I am something I have not been for many years; 14 stone something. Albeit the something is 13 1/2 pounds :smile:

Achieved by lots of this :bicycle: - none of this :cheers: and very little of this :birthday:(that's cake in general rather than birthdays)

Onwards and downwards
Well done @welsh dragon
Yes it is good to be cycling
When I took early retirement, weighed 12st 8 lb
Apart from slight wobbles, now stable about 10 St 8.5 lbs


Senior Member
Today I had a meeting and in theory my mtb turns up but the tracking number I've been given is wrong, tomorrow the schools are on strike. :sad:


Active Member
Tried out Strava today and it worked just fine. Burnt myself out a little riding today, a combination of the hot weather and feeling a bit dehydrated halfway through, but when I finished I realised I had kept the same sort of pace as I had been keeping for the past few rides. Next time I will drink plenty before I go. Also managed to smack the back of my ankle with the pedal. Owie :sad:


North London
I'm an idiot. For weeks I've been struggling up and down the mother of all hills and navigating the town centre of death and then going 8 miles along the tow path to get to the area where all the nice cycling starts. Today I looked at a OS map. There is a cut through, I go right instead of left away from town and I'm there in what looks like under 2 miles. I am an idiot.

So now you'll just be going up the lovely hill before turning around for the short route? :smile:


I'm finding if I lean to much, usually around round abouts and needing the third exit the right inside pedal is catching on the ground, typically habit has me holding this leg straight down at 6 o'clock and the outside leg up and this feels comfortable and balanced.

A quick google search throws up results that (logically!) I should be doing it the other way around with the leaning side leg up.

Never had the issue before, but then I've never had a road bike before (not to mention a 650c wheeled roadbike) , I've no idea how I'm going to break this nasty habit, but I definitely need to since if I catch the pedal too hard the back wheels slides out and my nerves aren't cut out for drifting around corners. :whistle:
I'm finding if I lean to much, usually around round abouts and needing the third exit the right inside pedal is catching on the ground, typically habit has me holding this leg straight down at 6 o'clock and the outside leg up and this feels comfortable and balanced.

A quick google search throws up results that (logically!) I should be doing it the other way around with the leaning side leg up.

Never had the issue before, but then I've never had a road bike before (not to mention a 650c wheeled roadbike) , I've no idea how I'm going to break this nasty habit, but I definitely need to since if I catch the pedal too hard the back wheels slides out and my nerves aren't cut out for drifting around corners. :whistle:
Get shorter crank arms ;)


I've been a bit lax with my training for London to Southend next weekend. I have only managed a 25 mile ride once a week for the last 3 weeks. So, today I thought I would go out for a longer ride. I managed 38 miles and it was more hilly than I have been doing. I'm feeling tired now though.



Legendary Member
Well, that's me back home together with my new hardware. Felt ok this morning as they inject a local as well which gives some pain relief but afraid it's kicking in now. Still, at least it's done and both the head surgeon and his assistant both said the bone pieces were too far apart to have healed properly so it looks like I made the right decision. Thanks for all the well wishes.

After, not that you can really see the bone.
Well, that's me back home together with my new hardware. Felt ok this morning as they inject a local as well which gives some pain relief but afraid it's kicking in now. Still, at least it's done and both the head surgeon and his assistant both said the bone pieces were too far apart to have healed properly so it looks like I made the right decision. Thanks for all the well wishes.

After, not that you can really see the bone.
I was sincerely hoping that the no news was good news... so glad it has been worthwhile for you (as I expect we all are!)
best wishes and hope you don't feel too bad tonight and tomorrow. Let the healing commence! :hugs: and at least we can send you electronic hugs now knowing they won't hurt you as much!
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