Oh gosh. I've got three toolboxes just for plumbing, one for leadwork tools, one for replacing sealant, one for tiling, one for general handyman shoot, one for general cycling tools and a separate one for tools that live near to and require the use of the vice (freewheel and cassette tools, chain whip etc). I've got two toolboxes of woodworking hand tools, a box for my cordless, a box for my SDS, a box for masonry tools. Then I've boxes and boxes of spare plumbing fittings, screws and one for just for PPE. And ... a couple of boxes for decorating tools and random boxes for random tools like heat gun, glue gun, Dremel, soldering iron, Oxy/acetaline torch. Strangely, and especially for someone who loves cars, I have zero car tools apart form the usual jump leads, jack and wheel-nut wrench.