I'm loving my turbo. But then my previous crush (too many years ago) was on indoor rowing, and I was quite happy spending two hours at a time on the seat. I don't seem to suffer from boredom once I get into a rhythm.
What I do suffer from, though, is a real serious pain in the backside when on the turbo. After half an hour, I have to stop for ten minutes to get some feeling back into two or three specific anatomical features where I'm particularly keen on having some feeling!
It does make it harder, and so far I haven't been able to do more than an hour pedalling, simply because Fter the second 30 mins, I can't face getting back on knowing its going to be excruciating yet another time.
Some of that might be because there is 20 stone on my saddle, and I'm too big for any padded shorts. Next time I'm on, I'm going to try some extra padding.
On the other hand, I can happily spend an hour and a half on the big squidgey seats on the LifeFitness gym bikes, so perhaps if you are already comfortable on your saddle, this might not affect you.