Thanks for all the advice everyone. I showed him the thread to give him some ammunition but he's young and not fully versed in the ways of the world yet. There is no way I'd have let this happen to me and I come from a family who would indeed stand at counters on Saturday afternoons shouting the odds and making sure they got what they came in for. He is still of the opinion that his reasons for going to the LBS in the first place were sound ones and he would like to give them every chance. Havinbg said that, fired up with advice from on here, he's going in first thing in the morning and telling them just how unhappy he is at the service receieved so far and demanding a more rapid resolution to their problem or he will indeed ask for the full refund. I want to do it myself so much but realise you've got to let them stand on their own two feet. If only he'd been a bit more forceful in the first place and not accepted the dismissive way he was treated. But you can't turn the clock back, can you? Unless you are Cher or course.