I would prefer a free bike with every helmet 

I shall add a comment to this thread however, I apologise for not reading beyond the thread tag line.
It should be consider an integral part of the bicycle to include a helmet. I was unfortunately a cyclist in a road traffic collision, and cannot guarantee the fact, but believe that the wearing of a helmet could of been as much a hindrance as an aid (the seat belt issue concerning motor vehicles). But helmets really are an important part of a cycle in accident in which the rider does not anticipate the event unfolding. Just as much as a drunk person falling over or any person for that fact, hitting their head on the ground is quite likely to sustain a significant brain injury. An acquired brain injury can have a major negative effect upon an individuals character. An example of this is obviously James Cracknell. You just need to visit the neurological unit at the local hospital to witness how an acquired brain injury total disables the individual, and protecting the brain and the head from sustaining such an injury can only be helpful.
I shall add a comment to this thread however, I apologise for not reading beyond the thread tag line.
In which case I'm sure you will not be offended if I don't bother to read your post, next pleaseI shall add a comment to this thread however, I apologise for not reading beyond the thread tag line..
I will reply to your comment. I apologise for not reading beyond the first lineI shall add a comment to this thread however, I apologise for not reading beyond the thread tag line.
I've had a 75 quid special so I'm talking from experience. No snobbery here, just that if all bikes were sold with lights fitted there's no excuse. Only needs to be the cheapest of cheap ones not some smart ones costing 20 quid.
Thank you. That is the subtle one liner I have been looking for in reply to the predictable comments I get when I go on group rides. Someone always brings up the "what, no helmet?" remark. Your reply is better than the two words/7 letters I find myself tempted to sayCycling is not dangerous.
"M" forgot- perchance?Thank you. That is the subtle one liner I have been looking for in reply to the predictable comments I get when I go on group rides. Someone always brings up the "what, no helmet?" remark. Your reply is better than the two words/7 letters I find myself tempted to say.
I shall comment upon the subject should helmets be included in the purchase price of a bicycle. I shall respond to this remark, however, I apologise should I duplicate earlier comments, because I am intentionally omitting to read the entire four pages of contributions already made concerning the issue.I will reply to your comment. I apologise for not reading beyond the first line
OK, this is going over the same tired old arguments. But - both Australia and Ontario have introduced helmet laws, which have increased wearing rates from low % to nearly everyone but no improvement in killed / seriously injured - so either they help very little that it doesn't make a difference, OR they must make things worse in other circumstances. At the very least they make your head much bigger so you're more likely to hit it.
But - it's obvious innit = so evidence doesn't count