Should bike shops include a free helmet with every bike they sell?

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If it's important to you and you wish to wear one - then buy one. Otherwise do not - Simplez


Legendary Member
No for the simple reason it would be cheap and crap and put the cost of the bike up.

I've never felt the need to have a different helmet for every bike either!
A few years ago, I manned a stall for the Southampton University "BUG"

There were some Nurses flogging helmets at £5.

We asked how they knew they would fit and be comfortable - they didn't care as they were "Helmets and would save lives"
We asked if they were aware a poorly fitting helmet could increase injury - they weren't

Bit of an own goal really!
What type of helmet?

EN1078 / ANSI / Snell B95?
MTB or road
Snag points or "rounder smoother, safer"
Which manafacturer?
If you where offered a free helmet would you take it even if you didn't want it ?

Why not?



back and brave
Yes, and they could be sold with ladders too. And walking shoes. And, oh, countless other items. Maybe beds, just in case you fall out. Get the drift?


Rollin' along
Manchester way
To improve awareness for safety. I know it's personal choice (and yes you can quote this sentence) but it would encourage people to think safety

go and have a wee google of the DfT & Police official statistics for the causes of investigated road accidents and more specifically the proportion of accident cycle v motor vehicle caused by each 'driver' type. Cyclist safety can be, and is, influenced by us to varying degrees but is also in far too many instances totally in the gift of others acting in an aware and responsible manner, with or without us wearing a plastic hat.

I would be calling far more vociferously for free lights to be provided at point of sale rather than the current bell or a helmet.

*edit* I don't think there are many people who don't think safety, it is just people are individuals and bring their own experiences and risk tolerance to bear on any situation whether it is riding a bike helmetless, a pedestrian stepping into the road with headphones in, driving a car without a seatbelt on etc
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