I like to keep the cupboards well stocked to avoid running out. A simple example would be washing-up liquid; one in use; one in cupboard and as the one in use gets low I buy a replacement so there's ways the spare in the cup board.
Basic foodstuffs we buy in large quantities and decant into small containers for daily kitchen use. I have a utility cupboard where one would find several kilos of rice, a range of pasta, dried beans, lentils, tinned tomatoes, beans, etc. Same principle applies to the freezer with chicken, mince, fish, stewing steak and so on. Things get replaced as stocks run down so I'd buy rice when I get to the last kilo.
I work this way so as to have everything to hand and the cost is lower. As we are only two a kilo of rice lasts 10 meals so hardly a crisis one week to the next. I'll probably keep a closer eye on these things now.
It's the more specialist foods I've noticed as short. For example I've run out of arborio rice and it will take weeks to find. I can live without risotto!!!!!
Very, very fortunate to be able to afford this. Nothing irritates me more than reference to a "well stocked food cupboard" as millions cannot conceive of this. The epitome of middle-class approach to food in recipes, TV programmes etc.