Shingles jab

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Is that the one against some form of pneumonia? If so, I had it a few months ago. I didn't nofice any reaction to it.
That’s most likely the pneumococcal vaccine you had Colin.

The RSV is for those 75 to 79. and for ladies of any age who are pregnant as it is shown to protect the unborn child.


I read that after the booster, protection should last at least 5-7 years and probably longer. Are you having the jab twice a year, every year?!
You’re correct. It’s a “one time vaccine” compromising of two doses and isn’t an annual or bi-annual vaccine.


Über Member
It's as you say. The actual rash clears up, but the nerve pain is still there for long afterwards. People might be sympathetic while you've got the rash, but when it's something they can't see, less so.

Absolutely agree, I had shingles at the end of January, I got off lightly judging by others experience of it, but had some nasty sores on the left side of my neck and up onto my head. There's no nerve pain now as such, but if I scratch an itch on the left side of my neck it feels like I've been slashed with a bloody razorblade.
Hmm - just checked
as I was 65 a few weeks ago (AKA the day I should have been getting my Old Age Pension!) then I may get a call from the doc

not sure if my other things might delay it a bit but we shall see
I will make a note to check when I contact them next!
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