Ah :/ was planning to attend my first group ride tonight, I don’t wanna damage the bike/cable though. If I remove that cable, won’t the indexing need setting again?
No answer from the bike shop, very disappointed they would make a mistake like that.
I wouldn't blame the shop for that, as the likelihood is that it was set up that way from the factory - the shop may have tweaked the barrel adjusters a touch, but they won't have routed the cables. A word to the manufacturer is definitely in order.
I would ride the bike like that, but I wouldn't touch the front shifter, every time you move it, it will damage the paintwork and eventually the structural material underneath - if you are lucky the cable would fray first and snap.
To fix it, put the bike into the big sprocket at the back and small at the front and then wind the barrel adjuster all the way in so that the cable is as tight as possible, then slacken by two turns (this will give you a bit of play in the system when you reattach the cable).
Remove the end cap (you should be able to pinch it off with a set of needle-nose pliers which will let you reuse it shortly thereafter), and then loosen the cable from the derailleur, reroute the cable properly and reattach at the derailleur - when you do so put as much tension on the cable as you can by holding with the pliers - finally put the end cap back on.
This should leave you with very little adjustment necessary on the FD - the cable will be tight already and there should be no rub on the smaller ring, but when you up shift to the large ring and small at the back you may need to wind the barrel adjuster ever so slightly if it rubs.