Just wondering if there was any 'official' rules when on a shared path?
We have a cycle path that runs all along the coast, the part from my house to Worthing is clearly segerated & marked Cyclists on the green, Bipods on the normal (not that it stops them wandering in your way)
The other direction used to be segregated, but the council decided last year to remove the white lines on a 2 miles stretch & make it shared use - giving right of way to pedestrians.
I have my youngest son (6) in front of me on his bike & am towing my other son (8) who is disabled on his trailer. I have always taught them to be polite & say Excuse me or Thnak you when passing or approaching pedestrians.
And I always worked on the principal that we should treat these sort of paths like the roads... Basically ride on the left hand side.
Most days we use this path we only encounter one or two people, but yesteday being the nicest day of the year so far made it very busy - To the point I had to get off & push!
I tried to keep to the left, but had folks walking towards me...You can spot me with my trailer a mile off, but they seemed to delight in walking down the path staright at me, some even veered into my path in what seemed a deliberate manner. I was riding at less then 5mph which makes streering even tricker with my son on the back.
It just seems that since the council gave pedestrians the 'right of way' they seem to think that we should stop or even get off the path for them to pass, twice my youngest was forced onto the pebble beach - causing him to actulay fall off his bike - as someone just walked in his way, both times they could clearly see him coming towards them & did not bother to even chcek he was ok, just carried on walking. Once I tried to move so far over, the left wheel on my sons trailer ran off the path tipping him over the pebbles, One person did stop & help me, but several others passed some even tutted - His trailer clearly has a big disabled sticker accross the back
So is there a rule for which side we should ride on, on shared paths or do we just have to put up with inconsiderate people?