Shards of glass in the tyre !

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I'd say it's not uncommon, I just did LDN2PAR with 2 brand new tyres, I had 4 punctures over the trip (one was a repeat of another as I didn't remove the debris from the tyre), but despite having 4 punctures only, my tryes had 20+ tears or cuts in them caused by debris that slashed, but not penetrated the tyre.

Anyone got a clue on what is the right thing to do? close the cuts with glues, leave them, replace the tyre...?

Fiona N

This must be special superglue, some superglues are solvent in water.

My goodness - I must buy extra-special superglue as I use it to (successfully) glue handles back on cups which then stand months and years of washing up :ohmy: So it does work rather well on tyre cuts but I only ever bother with the bigger ones.


Well-Known Member
Thanks so much for the replies !
I used super glue on my hutchinson 23 c and it was good but I saw some whiteness appear on the border , i used the same glue on mu hybrid bontrager 35c tyres and they did not have any whitening !

all in all job done, just used a little sandpaper to even out the blob :smile:

Deleted member 1258

I will do a check for debris on my tyres once a week, doing that will stop a build up of debris in the tyres, and you might find that you can prevent a puncture by getting something out before its had a chance to work its way through. I don't repair the small cuts on the tyre.


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
I pick out the glass and other stuff with an opened-up safety pin about twice a week. I've never glued up the nicks and my tyres are cheapos on about 3000 miles ridden in London. One visit from the Fairy so far. When they become a Fairy magnet, I'll get some new ones, probably Krylion Carbons. I have just tempted the little minx, haven't I?:rolleyes:
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