Have these accusations been raised previously? Have any of those who allege they were discriminated against used the systems in place within BC to raise their concerns?
I'm not defending any inappropriate behaviour on the part of BC staff - but in all the reports I've read there's been an absence of any account of having used the systems in place to address the concerns, so it seems somewhat 'cart before the horse' to suggest that BC have been ignoring allegations that are only just being put.
What BC needs to ensure is that the allegations that have been put are investigated fairly and transparently - and an independent review of how these are handled sounds like a sensible start - and we have to remember that they have a duty of care not only to their athletes but to their employees as well.
point of order: The athletes are employees too, BC's defence of the JV situation that they're simply not renewing her employment contract.
This could appear to have stemmed from JV's prior very public comments about to poor preparation and 'how many times must I put my life on hold' speech/rant - which BC could not have failed to notice. No doubt it has been reiterated in private whether for ages beforehand or if that was the start we don't know, but if BC simply ignored such a public slating and did not seek clarification in private straight afterwards why she said what she did, then that in itself is grossly neglectful on their part and speaks rather loudly of their backroom priorities.
Nicole Cooke's book has been out for a while, even the sainted Cav has expressed his dislike of the Sutton approach in that fly on the wall film and his books, Sutton does't use the rectal sunshine blower apparently
To suggest this is all a bolt out of the blue that blindsided BC just the other day seems a tad wide of the mark.
Also if the systems in place are set up to favour one gang over the rest or simply aren't fit for purpose nor trusted to be by the still employed (and vested interest in keeping it that way athletes though) as reading between the lines seems to be the case, how can people hope to see them privately applied & used fairly and effectively with no life altering comeback on themselves? lets see what the independent enquiry has to say. Apropos of nothing: I wonder if theres any shredding and email housekeeping is going on in North Manchester right now.
Personally in my policy and procedure heavy piece of the public service that says all the right things, I see daily the frustrations and fears of reprisals of staff, if people put their head over the parapet and speak out against the things that aren't being done right or bulldozed through by the back door. People get ground down by it after a while and become acquiescent to being trampled over, especially if every now and again a troublesome one is left swinging on a gibbet or gets tossed overboard.
To avoid the inevitable thread drift into an SC&P type industrial relations tit-for-tat: Yes I am putting my money where my mouth is in my work context and its making me no friends with the upper echelons.