Good to hear. One needs the odd drink to keep sane sometimes, although I have never gone tea-total or abstained for any period from drinking, it does accelerate fitness gains when you cut it down.
I have had a poor run of luck it seems. January was going good until the snow hit! Ahah, I thought and started to run and use the turbo.. then at first my turbo tyre blew up. Got a replacement and then had two punctures in succession. Have now got a new wheel as the old one was mangled out of shape, then I caught a stinking cold which has took a week to get over. In total has ruined my February really, glad to get out today in the sun for some phlegm hacking and sweating!
I have had a poor run of luck it seems. January was going good until the snow hit! Ahah, I thought and started to run and use the turbo.. then at first my turbo tyre blew up. Got a replacement and then had two punctures in succession. Have now got a new wheel as the old one was mangled out of shape, then I caught a stinking cold which has took a week to get over. In total has ruined my February really, glad to get out today in the sun for some phlegm hacking and sweating!