Settng up a website?.

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Hello all.

I'm looking to set up a website and have found a name that is available in and .uk

What happens after I register these, do I need a domain (whatever one of those is).

Does anyone on here run their own site and have any advice?.

Cheers, Keith.


Legendary Member
I am sure it would be simple but when I got mine I paid a guy to do it. It cost pennies and I knew all T's were crossed etc.


South Wales
Hello all.

I'm looking to set up a website and have found a name that is available in and .uk

What happens after I register these, do I need a domain (whatever one of those is).

Does anyone on here run their own site and have any advice?.

Cheers, Keith.

The IS the domain name.

You will also need a host for the website - the site where you are registering the name may also do hosting, but may not be the cheapest. Unless, of course, you are going to host it on your own server, but if you were in a position to do that, you probably wouldn't be asking this sort of question.

Then you will need to build the actual website - there are a number of free or paid for tools to help you with this, or you could pay a website designer.

I've never done it myself, but know a few people who have. A basic site is not that complicated.


Thanks what's a reasonable price to host a website?.

I won't get a lot of traffic, just a build page for my cars.

Would like to get my daughter involved with the website as she has put a lot of time into working on the cars with me.


Senior Member
You can use GoDaddy or Ionos for about £7-£10 a month. Hosting is cheap as the main cost, if it is a business site, is in paying Google and others for a ranking/keywords. If you don't want to pay Google, and it's specialist like this one, then new and original content every day. Otherwise it will just sit there gathering digital dust in a corner of the internet.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
I used to use ~Switchweb~ when I ran a couple of websites. Pete, the owner, (no relation) is a helpful chap, too.
He'll register the domain and host it for you for ££ depending on the level of service etc you want.
It's then up to you to create the site.


North Shields
GoDaddy has pretty much everything you need to start and set up a website and IME don't hammer you for extras that you don't need (stuff like pay-per-click and extra money for analytics - which can be done organically and is free respectively). It's worth buying it annually as you're essentially getting 3 months 'free'.

You need a domain and a hosting package - you can get all that through GoDaddy, just start with the basic package and add to it if you need to.

Another option worth considering is a blog rather than a website, which is kind of what you're doing in your car build thread. I used for a uni project recently and it's got a really intuitive interface as well as really good templates to use as starting points. Priced roughly the same as GoDaddy.

I cannot stress this enough - do not use WIX. I know they have a fancy pants advertising campaign doing the rounds just now but seriously. Just don't.

Depending on how involved you (or your daughter) want to get with the wonderful world of the internet, it's worth chatting with a designer about stuff around things like layout and accessibility. You don't have to, but it's worth thinking about.

This is by no means a sales pitch, but drop me a PM if you are after any advice/have any questions - always happy to pass on knowledge.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I got everything I needed from the website bullder that I chose. Simple and cheap. I think it is £24.00 for 2 years


Thanks everyone, will have a good look through all the options over the weekend.

I just didn't want to get legged into a contract without knowing what a reasonable price would be per month.

Basically I want our cars stickered up with our website address so anyone who is interested can have a look at the builds.

Not really bothered about being top of any search engines etc.

I have a YouTube account so we can put a few videos on there and link them together with the website.

Just another project to keep us busy, nice winter's nights project.


North Shields
Thanks everyone, will have a good look through all the options over the weekend.

I just didn't want to get legged into a contract without knowing what a reasonable price would be per month.

Basically I want our cars stickered up with our website address so anyone who is interested can have a look at the builds.

Not really bothered about being top of any search engines etc.

I have a YouTube account so we can put a few videos on there and link them together with the website.

Just another project to keep us busy, nice winter's nights project.

Keep your url sensible and not too long in that case.

Depending on how niche your builds are, you may find you end up near the top of search engines anyway (it's unlikely, but it happens).
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