Cycling in Scotland
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- Auld Reekie
Weegie said:Surely countersteering has nothing to do with the truck driver who has to swing wide round a corner?
Countersteering a bike uses momentum to throw your body into a lean in the opposite direction. When a truck/bus driver swings wide, it's got nowt to do with momentum - it's just a standard manouevre to get a big thing round a corner without kerbing it. I know lots of car drivers swing wide at road junctions as well, but exactly why is beyond me. It's actually dangerous.
Yes it is dangerous and the reason car drivers do it is because they have approached the junction too fast. It is just bad driving due to a lack of forward planning.
Countersteering a bike is also unnecessary in normal cycling in traffic. The sort of cyclist ride like that on the road are same people who if you put them in a car drive like idiots. The boy racer types who don't understand the difference between a race track and everyday traffic. They fantasize about winning races, but if they were ever to be put into a real race they would loose because they don't have the ability to look ahead and think ahead.
Good cycling, like good driving, is not about having fast reactions, it is about the ability look ahead, see the hazards and plan what you are going to do before you get there...