Rollon said:
The problem is in my limited experience anyway, is that things happen so fast, you are talking about split second manovers and being able to react so fast is virtually impossible. By the time it takes to react, wallop! its done.
Then take it easier with things then.
Soon, the speed you thought felt fast feels like cruising speed.
Just take your time and relax

Try to anticipate things and you will soon be fine
Although, even people that have been cycling for years get it wrong.
On Sunday, me and a mate were coming back from Derbyshire. He was in a slightly worse condition then me, but he was still fine and cycling safe.
Anyway, group of about 5/6 girls around 14/15 up ahead as we go through Newstead Abbey. We are catching them up fast-ish, I'm infront and see the girls slow down, see a group of other girls they must know. I slow down and I'm over on the right. Girls slow to a stop, but there's still space on the right to go past. Girl on the left goes left then for some reason moves over to the right and stops.
Luckily, I had seen and slowed right down, so when she stopped, i just trackstanded then went on the bit of a gap on the right of her.
My mate had to brake hard and stop.
So I wouldn't worry about things happening too fast if I were you, just relax