See when woman meet

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Mr Pig

New Member
Arch said:
SIT! And Stay. Good boy!

Years ago, not long after my wife and I started going out together, we were in Glasgow one day standing in the middle of a very long queue at cashline machine. I spotted a shop or something on the other side of the square that I wanted to get something from so said to her that I was going to pop over whilst she was waiting.

As I walked away from her I turned round, lifted a finger and said: "Stay. Staaaaay".

She was so mad she couldn't say anything and she couldn't come after me because she didn't want to loose her place :0) The guy standing behind her went into kinks. I really got it for that one.


back and brave
Somewhat coincidently, my wife has just phoned to say she's 'just leaving the hairdressers, sorry it's taken so long but they got talking, see you in half hour, bye' etc. No problems with that, but I did feel certain that I was saying something to her (or trying to!)... and equally pretty damned sure that she didn't hear it! So perhaps blokes speak at a pitch that women filter out!

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
GrahamG said:
I have one or two (male) friends who insist on a hug too :biggrin:

Pah, latins, I shouldn't wonder.

I hope your shrill cries of "Unhand me, D_mn your eyes!" are sufficient to persuade them to desist.


Senior Member
I once saw a DVD of women getting together, there was rather a lot of groaning and moaning in it. However, I don't believe that it was a documentary.
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