See when woman meet

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Greedo said:
What is that screeching and screeming noise they make. My wife's pals turned up last night and the minuite they met the noise started again as it always does.

You married the wrong type of female, if the above is true! :ohmy:


Vice Admiral
gavintc said:
I was in deep poo last night for tuning out wife and daughter while I was watching the Tour of Britain - final minutes I hasten to add. Dinner was late and both women were trying to ask me some questions about how much I wanted. I only became aware of increasing irritation when my son quietly commented - 'Dad, I think you had better respond'. I heard him, but not the higher female voices. The ensuing negative vibes lasted throughout the meal. Depsite protestation that it was an interesting final run in, I was deemed anti-social.

I am on your side here, Gavintc. That is the kind of tediocrity that drives me up the wall, very quickly. Could they not guess how much you wanted to eat? Could they not observe that the TofB is only on for one hour each evening?:ohmy:


New Member
Greedo said:
What is that screeching and screeming noise they make. My wife's pals turned up last night and the minuite they met the noise started again as it always does.

I couldnt make out any actual words, but they were definitely comunicating.

Does anyone know what this is?

Yes. TV has taught them to behave like this. They think it's the fashionable thing to do so they do it, just like they are suckers for every new clothing, make up, kitchen cupboard and furniture fashion.


Über Member
simoncc said:
Yes. TV has taught them to behave like this. They think it's the fashionable thing to do so they do it, just like they are suckers for every new clothing, make up, kitchen cupboard and furniture fashion.

When you say "them" and "they", who is it you are referring to exactly?


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
simoncc said:
Yes. TV has taught them to behave like this. They think it's the fashionable thing to do so they do it, just like they are suckers for every new clothing, make up, kitchen cupboard and furniture fashion.

Oh, and men never get sucked in by adverts do they? Just how many blades does a razor need? And men never watch telly, except for proper manly things like football...


It's no different to if I've not seen mates for ages and there's a long & lound "DUUUUUUUUUDE!" or "MAAAAAAAATE" or "CUUUUUN...." ;)

Some women do the hysterical meeting, some don't. I can honestly say that most women I know (well) don't or at least reserve it for a long awaited/surprise meeting.


New Member
Arch said:
SIT! And Stay. Good boy!

Have a biscuit.

Have you trained him to sit on the floor, lift one leg above his head and then have him lick his....

Sorry... IGMC.. ;):evil::ohmy:

rich p

ridiculous old lush
simoncc said:
Yes. TV has taught them to behave like this. They think it's the fashionable thing to do so they do it, just like they are suckers for every new clothing, make up, kitchen cupboard and furniture fashion.

Is that tongue in cheek or are you a nob?

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
GrahamG said:
It's no different to if I've not seen mates for ages and there's a long & lound "DUUUUUUUUUDE!" or "MAAAAAAAATE" or "CUUUUUN...." :ohmy:
Good grief.

When I meet my acquaintances, I might incline my head slightly - may raise an eyebrow in greeting if it's been a while. If they've only just returned from foreign climes, and I've not seen them for a year or more, I might also essay a modest gesture of greeting with my pipe.

Any more, and people will think you're French, for heaven's sake.



John the Monkey said:
Good grief.

When I meet my acquaintances, I might incline my head slightly - may raise an eyebrow in greeting if it's been a while. If they've only just returned from foreign climes, and I've not seen them for a year or more, I might also essay a modest gesture of greeting with my pipe.

Any more, and people will think you're French, for heaven's sake.


I have one or two (male) friends who insist on a hug too :ohmy:


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
wafflycat said:
Have you trained him to sit on the floor, lift one leg above his head and then have him lick his....

Sorry... IGMC.. :ohmy::evil::biggrin:

I think I'd permanently knacker me back!;)
And can you imagine the scene at A&E?

MedicalDoctor - 'So, how did this happen?'
TheDoctor - 'Well, I was trying to...ermmm...:blush:'


John the Monkey said:
Good grief.

When I meet my acquaintances, I might incline my head slightly - may raise an eyebrow in greeting if it's been a while. If they've only just returned from foreign climes, and I've not seen them for a year or more, I might also essay a modest gesture of greeting with my pipe.

Any more, and people will think you're French, for heaven's sake.

I don't know why, but I imagine Saxondale saying that.
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