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Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
In English? That's not even Yorkshire
Don't publish anyone's identity on the internet without their consent.

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
Yes and no. I think it depends on how hard you've had to search for the information.

It took me under a minute to find his windscreen company.

Doxing is defined as 'search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the internet, typically with malicious intent'.

Searching for a commercial website does not qualify in any respect.


Liverpool, UK
That's a fair comment, although my intentions were only well meaning. Perhaps any follow up to ascertain that Screenman is ok can be done discreetly outside the pages of the forum with hopefully a subsequent brief post on here confirming he is well. I'd never heard of the term 'doxing' before.

Quite. To be fair, if I suddenly disappeared for no apparent reason, from here, or the other industry-specific forum I frequent, I don't think I'd object to folk who were genuinely concerned for me/missing my presence looking me up and dropping me a message to check I was OK, especially given the current situation.

On the wider situation generally, I wonder if it might be an idea/possible for an extra little option on a user profile that one could tick to say something along the lines of "I don't mind if a mod contacts me directly (via email or maybe text) to check I'm OK", or even the option to put in a next-of-kin contact. It could default to off, but those of us who consider ourselves part of the furniture (say, with a substantial post count based on the 'trophys'/length of service) could get an alert about opting in. These sort of threads only really seem to come up when it's about someone who we are 'missing', so it shouldn't be too much of a burden?


Legendary Member
Maybe he's just had enough :smile:

If there is some reason why he physically can't log on, presumably he won't be answering emails either as all goes through this Interweb thingy


Liverpool, UK
Maybe he's just had enough :smile:

If there is some reason why he physically can't log on, presumably he won't be answering emails either as all goes through this Interweb thingy

That's why I suggested a preferences option, and a possible next-of-kin contact- if you just want to take some time out, you could untick it- at least then folk who are concerned would be aware that it was a conscious decision.


Grand Old Lady
Whilst im sure he is OK. It is not for us to go hunting him, phoning him or turning up at his doorstep... He has joined this forum voluntarily and while the camaraderie is nice and well intentioned, i don't think other than sending him communication through this website that it is wise to pry. The LAST thing i would want if i disappeared for a while is Drago turning up at my doorstep in his Y fronts let alone his ruined ones. Which would be made ever worse if in the unlikely event, something really did happen to me and a member of my family happened to answer...

Perhaps he just want space. He'll come back when he wants to.
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