After today, I have come to the conclusion that Marathon+ are a load of B**!lks and too problematic. I still think they are excellent tyres though but after today's episode I'll never fit them again.
As my back tyre was wearing down a bit I thought I would rotate it with the front, which was almost as good as new still. Bad move overall, they was as hard to remove as put on, I spent about two hours trying to get them back on successfully, every time I fitted them, I would have to take them off again to repair one or two pinch punctures, about eight pinch punctures I repaired in total and I still only had managed to get one tyre on and inflated successfully. How the hell I fitted them the first time in one go beats me!
I began to think if I was unlucky and punctured out on the road, the scenario could turn out to be a nightmare if I am a long way from home, cold, dark, raining etc, so to avoid it happening in the future and guaranteeing my bike would be usable for club run in the morning, I jumped in my car and bought two new tyres of a different make.
The Marathon+ will now go on my commuter when I have worn the ones that are on it wear out as if anything goes wrong its only a 2 mile walk.