Those are pretty much the same points made by my friend - and they’re all very reasonable. But - and I’m sure I’m being completely unreasonable and uncharitable here, because he’s one of the most dedicated teaching professionals that I know - the more strongly he made these arguments, the more I got the impression that he was “looking for obstacles”, and really just wanted no hassle, or even a bonus “snow day”: holiday. As I said, I’m sure it’s not that at all, but that’s the impression that I got!
While that’s undoubtedly the case in some areas, it’s certainly not the case here in Scotland. Virtually all teachers in state schools are employed by local authorities. So any teacher could in theory work in any other school in the county. Where I live, you’d have to commute more than 20 miles to live outside that zone. I can think of parts of the country where that would be 100 miles.
Thinking of my friends who are teachers, in the secondary sector I’d guess about less than 1/3 of them live outwith the county. In the primary school sector, it’s even lower - most seem to work in schools in a neighbouring town; I can’t think of one who needs to cross the county border.
I’d imagine they’d be using their professionalism and experience to deliver a useful educational experience, using the lesson plans that had been prepared by the regular teacher. In exactly the same way that a “supply teacher” would do if the regular teacher was ill.
Not sure where in the country you are, but here in Scotland I’d guess a couple of days? And I’m not in a particularly rural area.