Schools Out...

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My 86 year old Mum and my Sister went off to their weekly art class in Cornwall yesterday lunchtime.
They still have not yet made it home today
Spent the night in a pub with 80 other people

Well some people get all the luck...


If you do come a cropper in the snow A and E will be open as normal staff make it in one way or the other. Inc the consultant who bikes in from an outlining village come what may if it's looking bad he just brings a sleeping bag and sleeps over. On the other side you have the likes of a young patient who cancelled her appointment due to snow who lived over the rd from the doctors at the same time a man in is 80's walk 4 miles in and 4 miles home again. My wife told him he should have cancelled his reply was no you've made the effect to get here so it's only right I do.

As for schools if one in the dales can stay open what ever the weather then so can most. You'd be surprised the ways they find if the exams are on and the league tables are at risk.

rugby bloke

As for schools if one in the dales can stay open what ever the weather then so can most. You'd be surprised the ways they find if the exams are on and the league tables are at risk.
Really ? Do you have any evidence to back this up ? If they were public exams the pupils would have to sit them.
My 86 year old Mum and my Sister went off to their weekly art class in Cornwall yesterday lunchtime.
They still have not yet made it home today
Spent the night in a pub with 80 other people

I heard of something similar on the radio, it may well have been the one you are talking about and I had the same thought as @meta lon

I would love an all night lock in :angel:


In short yes it is a requirement of the AQA for all approved centres to have formal plan in place that covers any emergency, bad weather , mass staff sickness, fire, flood etc. Including placers to act as temp approved centres and how staff will be deployed to allow exams to run. Such plans have to be available for inspection by the AQA inspector who calls each year during the summer exams which as from this year will be multiple visits. In fact last year we got ask for ours.

I’ve over seen exams all over the place due to illness , sickness, being pregnant , floods and fire. Not to mention the about of time and planning we do to get some candidates to school to sit an exam in the 1st place.

A centre can ask for an exam to be held another time but the AQA have to be sure a delay wouldn’t effect the exams begin held elsewhere. The same exam happens across the county at the same time. So if one school is closed and one open down the rd then you’d have a hard time getting the ok to move it to another day. Unless you can show without doubt that they have not seen the paper or asked a mate about it.

If school had to get pupils it will be all in the plan. AQA could call off the exam all round but that will neeeds a number of duck to be in a row. It wound only take one packet of papers to be opened to put a spanner in it.

Exams are quite complex I can’t give you formal wording covering this stuff as I don’t have a copy of the yellow book at hand. Rules also cover arriving late and sitting exams so if it’s only one or two that can’t get in a time they have basically up to the very end of the paper to make it in. The start time can be delayed by the centre if needed up to a point just need a few phone calls to AQA to work somthing out and the right paper work filled in.


Legendary Member
Why not? Most of them live further from the schools than the pupils and are therefore more likely to be calling for closures due to weather related transport problems.

I started school on 1945 and left at 15. In all that time school only closed once due to a boiler breakdown.

Walking or cycling to school through snow was fun Teachers never missed most lived locally and either cycled or walked to the school.As far as I can remember none of my teachers had cars.

Snowball fights in the play ground,slides probably all banned due to health and safety.

Excuse the pun blooming snow flakes.

Oh dear can’t type my fingers are only at room temperature.


As well as the bus companies, an issue to consider is whether staff can get in. Most staff do not live within the catchment area. If not enough staff can get in then you run the risk of not having a high enough pupil to staff ratio to meet legal requirements.


One of my customers own a small bus company of about 20 vehicles, he gets paid £76 a day for sending a £50,000 vehicle out with a driver in for a 40 mile day. I think he has the right to keep his vehicles and drivers safe.

Would you be happy for your kids to go to school knowing they may not get back that night, schools are there to educate, not child mind.


Legendary Member
One of my customers own a small bus company of about 20 vehicles, he gets paid £76 a day for sending a £50,000 vehicle out with a driver in for a 40 mile day. I think he has the right to keep his vehicles and drivers safe.
I'm sure no one would want to see passengers or buses harmed in any way, but is it not a bit unreasonable to shut down a whole business because a minority
of attendees are stormbound?


I'm sure no one would want to see passengers or buses harmed in any way, but is it not a bit unreasonable to shut down a whole business because a minority
of attendees are stormbound?

Small bus company in a rural area, they know from experience that when there is snow laying on untreated roads there is a very high chance of a vehicle being damaged.
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