Schengen fun - the 90 days

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So in our case, we'd need Dutch (and maybe German too) visas to derisk the whole thing. I've already looked into Dutch visas and there doesn't seem to be an option for dilettante cyclists or holidays - you need a work or family sponsor. That makes it not an option.
Being a bit familiar with the Dutch system and less so with the German system, I'd imagine that they may be some of the more demanding places in relation to Visas. France, being the #1 tourist destination in the world (or at least it was) may be more helpful. If starting there, perhaps with a visa (not a working visa), perhaps you could defer the "Schengen countdown" until you left France?
The French embassy or the British Embassy in France is where I would start.

A second factor to consider on a long trip if staying beyond the "normal" is insurance. If you do find a solution beyond the 90 days, check the terms of any insurance that it's not a "90 day" type of policy.

I know that you describe this as a trip of a lifetime, but as you've alluded to, it has the potential to be the Two trips of a lifetime. Secure bike storage and a continuation the next "season". It's certainly something worth considering.

Best of luck!


self serving virtue signaller
Being a bit familiar with the Dutch system and less so with the German system, I'd imagine that they may be some of the more demanding places in relation to Visas. France, being the #1 tourist destination in the world (or at least it was) may be more helpful. If starting there, perhaps with a visa (not a working visa), perhaps you could defer the "Schengen countdown" until you left France?
The French embassy or the British Embassy in France is where I would start.

A second factor to consider on a long trip if staying beyond the "normal" is insurance. If you do find a solution beyond the 90 days, check the terms of any insurance that it's not a "90 day" type of policy.

I know that you describe this as a trip of a lifetime, but as you've alluded to, it has the potential to be the Two trips of a lifetime. Secure bike storage and a continuation the next "season". It's certainly something worth considering.

Best of luck!

Interestingly, seems like I was wrong about it not helping with the 90 days...

If you stay in France with a French residence permit or long stay visa, this time does not count towards your 90-day visa-free limit for the Schengen area.

And it looks like having a healthy bank account could suffice, though showing residency location for a cycle tour could be problematic!


self serving virtue signaller
After a little light labyrinthine bureaucracy (The French make you apply through their government system and then replicate pretty much the same info again through a local agency, including multiple dire warnings of being thrown into snake infested pits should you mismatch a passport number digit between the two) an application for French 6 month visas is in, interview late November.
After a little light labyrinthine bureaucracy (The French make you apply through their government system and then replicate pretty much the same info again through a local agency, including multiple dire warnings of being thrown into snake infested pits should you mismatch a passport number digit between the two) an application for French 6 month visas is in, interview late November.
That seems like good grounds for some optimism and leaves you with enough time for a fallback if unsuccessful.

How's your French for the interview? ^_^
Bon chance!


self serving virtue signaller
it would be great and, I'm sure very helpful to others in the future, if you'd come back and update the thread later

bien sur


self serving virtue signaller
Update from 7th circle of the infernal labyrinthe of bureaucracy.

Visa interview this morning, arbitrarily changed from tomorrow due to "systems"

Triple checked documentation list, all printed in duplicate as per their website.

Turn up in person to subcontracted agency. Front reception (not the actual interview).
"Visa form please"
"We did it on line"
"You need a hard copy"
"It's not on your list of documents needed"
"It's not my list" "It's obvious you need a copy"
"I can download a copy on my phone, can you print it"
"Please? There's a printer right behind you"
"I've asked the manager, they say no" "This happens all the time, you need to rebook"
"If I go and get a copy somewhere else, can we come back"
"But it's still 15 minutes before our actual appointment"
"Well, OK, but if you're late you need to rebook"

[Run to nearby hotel. Lovely receptionist prints our visa applications. Says it happens all the time. Run back]

Pass through successfully to 8th circle - actual interview.

Interviewer struggles to understand we're not staying in one place. But all seems in order, and the guarantee of accommodation we have from a friend sends to help.

The duplicates of everything don't seem to be needed at all.

Then the problem. It turns out that for a short stay visa, you can apply 6 months in advance. But for a long stay, you can only apply three months in advance So our interview fee, time and hassle is wasted, and we need to come back on the New Year.

Note to cycle tourists: having at least *some* accommodation booked seemed to be essential. So if you're going to do this and don't have a French friend who can offer an official guarantee, I'd suggest booking a few weeks on air bnbs for evidence, then cancel.


self serving virtue signaller
French Visa interview successfully completed 2nd time around.

Barring unexpected problems, should come through in about 3 weeks. Fingers crossed.

Learning should anyone else wish to do similar:

1. You seem to need a GHIC, but not travel insurance, despite guidance saying insurance cover including repatriation is necessary.

2. You need evidence of accommodation. We had a certified invite from a French citizen; I *think* but am not sure, that having accommodation booked for a few weeks would be sufficient if you can't do that. Booking something random with free cancellation then cancelling it when the visa comes through would be what I would do.

3. You need evidence of funds. It's not actually clear how much, but substantial, and three months bank statements are called for as proof.

4. There are a few more bits of paperwork asked for. The website says you need duplicates, but we found one copy of everything per person (ie two sets of bank statements if you're a couple) sufficed.

5. You can only apply three months before travel.

6. It's expensive. Interview fees, visa fees and courier fees totaled £330 for a couple plus travelling for interview
French Visa interview successfully completed 2nd time around.

Barring unexpected problems, should come through in about 3 weeks. Fingers crossed.
Well done! And thanks for the update.

It's expensive. Interview fees, visa fees and courier fees totaled £330 for a couple plus travelling for interview
Not cheap, but then again, it's hard to put a price on peace of mind.
A long tour like you're planning could easily run up extra costs trying to comply if things go a bit askew.

When I got my visa for the US, an unexpected and unanticipated advantage was that from much further down the road I was able to get into the US to get a Covid vaccine while the ESTA program had been suspended.


self serving virtue signaller
Passports returned complete with French 6 month Visa :becool:

Only remaining question is how to formally record when we leave France as there's no border post to get a stamp into Italy. I can find no information on how to do this; any advice welcome otherwise we'll just wing it and hope photos with time stamps will persuade Dutch officials on exit that we haven't overstayed.
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