So, I rode it to work this morning (about 11 miles).
AWESOME!! What a revelation!
I tried to relax, and yes, it helped.
I am amazed at how fast it goes uphill. It's as though it was on the flat, it just zooomed along. On long flat stretches, you can step on it and go at a real pace without even trying. All of a sudden, Cyclecraft makes sense - now I see can you really can take the primary position most of the time. I just couldn't get up to that speed and maintain it on my hybrid so it seemed rude to sit in the middle of a lane and hold up traffic - no such problems on this baby.
The riding position didn't seem very awkward at all, when it came down to it. I think my viewpoint was skewed on Monday by riding it home with a giant heavy rucksack on my back. I'm deliberately travelling light with this bike - no rack, no rucksack, just a pump, tools and spare inner tubes strapped to the frame. The difference in weight makes a
massive difference. I usually take 55 minutes to cycle in - today, even being quite cautious, it took 45 minutes.