Scam phone call

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I read about some of these "call centres" a while ago

A lot of the people there are very poor and are desperate to make some money to send home to their family who are even worse off
so they have no choice but to do that job

Also - they believe, which is pushed further by their bosses , that all the people they are ringing are rich white people who have loads of money

however, I think a significant number are just after making more and more money - especially if you get to the stage of being transferred to a "manager" because there ones have made a success of it already

so nowadays I tend to avoid the deliberate insults to them and swearing that some people do - although I can understand why they do it

however, if I try to tell them to go away and they insist on carrying on then all bets are off
and especially if they try to treat me as a fool (OK OK - more of a fool than necessary - I have seen my spelling/typing!!!) then I reckon they have already pushed it to far

but I do avoid the deliberate dieect personla insults

I have seen calls - on the internet so to be taken with a bucket of salt - where people have persuaded the caller that this is a bad thing to do
but I am not convinced that that is common enough to take any notice of

I do wonder how the people on the BBC "Scam Interceptors" have managed to get into the call centre's systems - wonderful bit of work from them!
If the phone rings and I don't recognise the number I'll often answer in German. That throws them.
I used to know a bloke who answered his landline with

“Hello, Calderpark Zoo”

That sometimes threw even genuine callers.
The houses on our road have cavity wall insulation done with millions of little polystyrene balls - each one about 1mm diameter

When someone drills a large hole for e.g. a tumble dryer vent then they get showered with tons of the damn things
and if a windows is replaced it looks like it has snowed!

apparently they are supposed to be installed with some sticky stuff that gradually gets stickier and hardens
but most builder just pumped it in neat to save costs - and it was easier

so only the Gods know how much insulation is in our walls - but a test hole will show it is insulated which removes any eligibility for any grants to do it properly!

It’s going to be fun when they get demolished.


Legendary Member
Many years ago I was cold called by someone trying to sell conservatories. It was a quiet night with no on TV so I wondered how long I could string them along for.

Nearly an hour later, after the bloke have been patiently answering my dafter and dafter questions, we’d set up an appointment for him to come round later in the week and measure up etc. He confirmed the time and date and asked if I any last questions to which I responded “yes, is it a problem that I live in a first floor flat?” . He slammed the phone down and I never heard from him again.

Hope he learned to do a bit more research in the area he was targeting with cold calls.

A friend of a friend was getting plagued by conservatory salesmen and he got so fed up he booked an appointment. They were not amused when they drove some distance to discover he was in a top floor flat. The had been pestering him so he was not just being vindictive over a mere cold call.

A tradesman I knew had a double glazing salesman phone him up, and he said that although his windows were OK he was pleased they'd called and asked if they needed any plastering doing. "Are you taking the piss?" "No, I'm a plasterer, so always looking for me next job. Can you ask around your colleagues to see if anyone else wants plastering doing?"

And a dive boat skipper we've gone with a few times recounted talking to the support guy for some problem with his business web site and managed to sell a diving holiday for him and his mates
I saw an article somewhere from a trades-person who got referrals from these cold calling people

he got annoyed when he went out to look at a referred "job" only to find that the people there were not really keen on the idea but just agreed to get the caller off the phone
It was just waster time and money to him as he paid for the referral - but the cold caller got paid

so - maybe not a good idea to let them come out - because it is possibly not the cold caller than suffers - but the poor working person who comes out on a useless trip



West Yorks
i find it better to ignore these unknown numbers, because as soon as you answer they record it as a live number, then sell it on so you end up getting plagued by callers, they tend to give up and leave you alone if ignored
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