Scam phone call

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During the lock down I had a scam call and decided to see how long I could keep them going by playing dumb.

I had been going round in circles for 20 minutes pretending not to understand their instructions to get some app on my tablet.

On one of the iterations they asked again if I had a tablet, so I said yes, I have tablets for blood pressure and cholesterol. Hearing this our children burst out laughing and I couldn't keep the play anymore. I gave them a piece of my mind and hung up.

They were obviously annoyed at having been lead along and for a few days they kept ringing, each time from a different number which I immediately blocked. As the blocking flags the number up as dodgy, their trying to annoy me meant they red flaged a chunck of their fake phone number list.


In this house if your number is not on our caller list,the name comes up we just let it ring.It is same with the mobile i will not answer a number i do not know.


Senior Member
Bristol, UK
Between the 9th April and 10th June this year I had a total of 56 calls from 20 (slightly) different numbers - 0330 341 37xx - with various people asking to speak with "Joanne". The first couple of dozen times the callers were obviously foreign so I just told them there was no-one by that name associated with my number but one day I was feeling in a playful mood so when they again asked to speak to "Joanne" I said "oh hello, this is Jo, who's calling please?". Turns out it was supposedly some debt collection agency and they were chasing "Jo" for an unpaid credit card bill. I did wonder what the woman caller must have thought of my rather masculine voice (for a woman) but hey ho, each to their own.

A couple of times I tried to call them back but every time it went to answer machine and no-one ever called back in response. Now if I dial the numbers all I get is "that number isn't recognised" so I guess they've moved onto another scam or are just spoofing a different set of numbers.

I kinda miss their calls :laugh: :laugh:


Senior Member
Bristol, UK
In this house if your number is not on our caller list,the name comes up we just let it ring.It is same with the mobile i will not answer a number i do not know.

My wife has this policy too but one day about 5 weeks ago she had 4 or 5 calls in one morning from the same number so decided to answer the next time and give them a piece of her mind. Good job she waiting for them to speak because it turned out to be the hospital trying to get hold of her to say her hip replacement operation had been brought forward ^_^.

It has subsequently been postponed again but I guess that's par for the course :sad:


Legendary Member
Of course, on̈e of these days a German speaker will call me on das telefon and I'll need to learn yet another language with which to thwart them. I'm not sure my halting Scots Gaelic would be good enough.


Leg End Member
Of course, on̈e of these days a German speaker will call me on das telefon and I'll need to learn yet another language with which to thwart them. I'm not sure my halting Scots Gaelic would be good enough.
Try using the local dialect.
many years ago I was at home in Llandudno - when I lived there
and my now-wife was sitting with me
I got a phone call and it was a scammer trying th eold "you have a computer virus" thing

They wanted me to start up my computer and they would tell me what to do

so I did - not the nice new Windows laptop I had bought recently but the old slow one I had had for years
and had loaded Linux onto to try to get it to work better

the bloke spent about 40 minutes trying to get me to start up a web browser and connect to something like logmein
they were assuming I have a start button at the bottom right - when on the Linux screen it was different and top left

poor bloke was trying SO hard
eventually I got a web browser started

but at one point I was having trouble following his instructions - he wanted me to press the ctrl ket with one finger and then press anotehr ley with my other finger

It wouldn;t work - it was a WIndows shortcut so it wouldn;t
I apologise to him because I pressed the ctrl key with my Thumb not my finger and asked him if I should try again

at that point my wife elbowed me in the ribs!!!

being a confused OAP using a Linux computer confuses the hell out of them


"Accident? You mean I can claim? Even though I was pissed? Who am I claiming against, I thought the old lady died...."

"Of course, I'd be happy to chat with you about insulation, dear. But first, can I speak to you about Jesus?"

"Does your mother know that you are a criminal, trying to scam old people? That's not an honourable profession."

"Sorry, I can't hear you, I'm a bit deaf. Can you shout louder please."
Afraid I just block them, I have call blocking on my landline and use an app on my mobile to screen calls. The app is quite good as I block groups of numbers e.g. everything starts with 0203555xxxx or whatever number they are spoofing.

I do have to calling back for my mum as it's hard to tell when she gets a call wether it's genuine or not.

I don't get a lot of scam calls, but I do get a lot of junk email as I've had the same email for over 20 years. So much so I have all mail filtered to my junk folder.


Stubborn git
During the lock down I had a scam call and decided to see how long I could keep them going by playing dumb.

I had been going round in circles for 20 minutes pretending not to understand their instructions to get some app on my tablet.

This is generally my game also unless I'm too busy. They tend to be more angry the longer you manage to keep them going with my record around 20 minutes.
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