Scam phone call

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Dave 123

Legendary Member
Today I received a call from

020 3896 1978

I assumed it was 3 as they are always pestering me even though I’m on the call barring thing. I was a customer of theirs about 20 years ago.

Me- hello? Are you calling from 3?

Him- no sir I am calling from such and such insurance about the accident you had

Me- I didn’t have an accident, so p155 off!

Him- suck my d1ck with your dirty mouth you son of a b1tch!

Then he put the phone down.

I actually thought it was quite funny. Poor bloke is stuck in a dead end scam job with the likes of me telling him to go away. No wonder he was sensitive!

Go on then, let’s hear your unwanted phone call stories.


Legendary Member
I tell them I've had an accident, then waste their time giving the name and address of someone I don't like.
Many years ago I was cold called by someone trying to sell conservatories. It was a quiet night with no on TV so I wondered how long I could string them along for.

Nearly an hour later, after the bloke have been patiently answering my dafter and dafter questions, we’d set up an appointment for him to come round later in the week and measure up etc. He confirmed the time and date and asked if I any last questions to which I responded “yes, is it a problem that I live in a first floor flat?” . He slammed the phone down and I never heard from him again.

Hope he learned to do a bit more research in the area he was targeting with cold calls.
Had a weird one a few year ago

I was bored - always a bad idea to ring me when I'm bored
anyway - he was trying to sell me life insurance - which I don;t want so I told him and asked him to remove me from their list
He carried on and explained how it was really important
I asked him to not ring again but he started off again

OK - he had now defined himself as fair game!

I let him explain everything
I asked loads of questions - varying from the intelligent to the outright dumb
He answered them all

then he needed some more information - like name address and everything
well - by now I had made a cuppa, drunk it and had a couple of biscuits and brushed the kitchen and utility room floors

so I was about done with all that so I told him I wasn;t really interested and was just wasting him time

so he transferred me to his supervisor
OK - more fresh meat
more question - still not interested
ended up telling him so b****r off and not ring again

so far so normal - rather over persistent in the face of outright refusal and being told I was just wasting their time - but not weird

weird thing was that I eventually hung up on the supervisor
but 10 minutes later the original bloke rang me back
saying that he was ringing back because he was very concerend that I did not have any life insurance and he wanted to give me anotehr chance to take out this very important policy

I had told him several times I was just annoying him as he had refued to go away at the start
also told his supervisor the same and hung up on him

Did he REALLY think I was going to say "Oh - OK - I see your point now - not how do I give you loads of money???"



Legendary Member
Many years ago I was cold called by someone trying to sell conservatories. It was a quiet night with no on TV so I wondered how long I could string them along for.

Nearly an hour later, after the bloke have been patiently answering my dafter and dafter questions, we’d set up an appointment for him to come round later in the week and measure up etc. He confirmed the time and date and asked if I any last questions to which I responded “yes, is it a problem that I live in a first floor flat?” . He slammed the phone down and I never heard from him again.

Hope he learned to do a bit more research in the area he was targeting with cold calls.

It's like cavity wall insulation.

Let them prattle on for half an hour and then ask, "oh, by the way - how do you get the old stuff out?"


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
It's like cavity wall insulation.

Let them prattle on for half an hour and then ask, "oh, by the way - how do you get the old stuff out?"

You can get the old stuff out. Our walls were filled under some govt. scheme by a shower of cowboys and the work was condemned. Another lot appeared and removed whatever the first lot had done before refilling with the proper stuff.
Pretty messy but possible.




You can get the old stuff out. Our walls were filled under some govt. scheme by a shower of cowboys and the work was condemned. Another lot appeared and removed whatever the first lot had done before refilling with the proper stuff.
Pretty messy but possible.
You can get the stuff out, but CIGA have a reputation for not accepting the liability for it, then you have to find the £60,000 out of your own pocket to have it done.
You can get the old stuff out. Our walls were filled under some govt. scheme by a shower of cowboys and the work was condemned. Another lot appeared and removed whatever the first lot had done before refilling with the proper stuff.
Pretty messy but possible.

The houses on our road have cavity wall insulation done with millions of little polystyrene balls - each one about 1mm diameter

When someone drills a large hole for e.g. a tumble dryer vent then they get showered with tons of the damn things
and if a windows is replaced it looks like it has snowed!

apparently they are supposed to be installed with some sticky stuff that gradually gets stickier and hardens
but most builder just pumped it in neat to save costs - and it was easier

so only the Gods know how much insulation is in our walls - but a test hole will show it is insulated which removes any eligibility for any grants to do it properly!


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
You can get the stuff out, but CIGA have a reputation for not accepting the liability for it, then you have to find the £60,000 out of your own pocket to have it done.

I have still got a pile of paperwork regarding the debacle but since it was a free govt. scheme we paid nothing. We were not the only house affected and they all got redone we hope properly and I do have a certificate saying so.


I have still got a pile of paperwork regarding the debacle but since it was a free govt. scheme we paid nothing. We were not the only house affected and they all got redone we hope properly and I do have a certificate saying so.

I was under the impression that the free government jobs were still done by private contractors, and just paid for by HMG.
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