I arrive in the office every morning with a spring in my step and bellow 'Is she dead yet?'
A woman called me callous, but I simply told her that that thing is announcing to all and sundry via the collective NATIONAL MEDIA that she's dying.
Now if I told the country via the TV Papers etc every day that I was buying a new Alfa Romeo, after a few weeks of the same message, people will start to ask, "Have you bought it yet?" and rightly so.
And all this piffle about providing for her sons, cods wallop. She had more than enough money to see them right BEFORE she "fell ill".
She is just being what she always (lately) has been, a selfish, publicity obsessed harpie.
If she had ANY decency, she would give all the money from her 'publicity stunt' to people that really need it. Cancer charities and good causes.
My guess is her son's will be swanning around E17 in 10 - 15 years in ferraris, paid for by their 'loving' mum (or to be precise, all the bloody idiots that bought the mags and papers running the 'news').
And before anyone thinks I am a bad person, I just want to add that a good friend of mine, married to my fiancee's boss, had just been sent home to die, with breast and lung cancer, with massive growths on her brain. She is dignified and strong for her family, and wants to treasure their remaining time together. How sick is it to be inundated with hourly bulletins on the radio and TV about 'poor Jade'.
This hurts on a deeper personal level, as I lost my mum to cancer, and she didn't have the opportunity to do what Jade has done. (not that she would have done, because she always taught me, life doesn't owe you a living)