Saint Malo to Bilbao! We’re off!

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Senior Member
Hope you saw the cat when you were in Bilbao. Interesting city.
Did you use the Transporter Bridge? It took me 3 visits before I managed to. The two earlier attempts found the bridge closed for repairs. The final time was touch and go as it shuts for lunch and the girl in the ticket office had to phone the operator to see which side he was stopping for lunch.
We found an old suspension bridge upstream which was closed to cars but open for cyclists and walkers so I managed to avoid the busy main bridge downstream.


Legendary Member
Sorry. I will need to get my eyes tested again. It was a puppy
PS If you are planning next year, you could do the next section Bilbao - A Coruna along the north Spain coast. Beautiful much like Cornwall but with sun and sand.

We did see the puppy, it was very very cute actually.

Next year, I'm thinking:
* Strasbourg - Black Forest - Switzerland - Annecy - Vercors - Ventoux - Marseille or
* Germany/Austria
* Diagonale du vide
* Slovenia

Always up for suggestions though :smile:


Legendary Member
Did you use the Transporter Bridge? It took me 3 visits before I managed to. The two earlier attempts found the bridge closed for repairs. The final time was touch and go as it shuts for lunch and the girl in the ticket office had to phone the operator to see which side he was stopping for lunch.
We found an old suspension bridge upstream which was closed to cars but open for cyclists and walkers so I managed to avoid the busy main bridge downstream.

we did, there’s a photo of us on it! We’d actually done one in France as well and didn’t expect a second! The Spanish one was surprisingly speedy too!
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