Saint Malo to Bilbao! We’re off!

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twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
Have a great trip. Feeling very jealous :bicycle:


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
So jealous! I love that ferry, especially the overnight sailing and arriving at St Malo, rolling off the ferry into the early morning sunshine (hopefully!). First stop for me would be croissants at one of the boulangerie/patisseries in the old walled part of town.
Have previously done St Malo round the Cotentin peninsula to Ouistreham for the other Brittany ferry. Or Bordeaux (flew there) then cycled to Ouistreham. My favourite cycling destination.
Have a great time and don't forget the updates with photos so I can get REALLY jealous and maybe get myself back down there!
Bon voyage...... et bonne route.

Tail End Charlie

Well, write it down boy ......
Great trip, hopefully lots of time for sightseeing, very envious. Coastal route or inland? So many options. Keep the pics coming!


Legendary Member
Sat on the ferry at Portsmouth waiting to head off to Saint-Malo for a three week trip to Bilbao! Very excited! I get to meet and ride with @bluenotebob too!

Left my helmet at home 😞 so emergency stop at Decathlon tomorrow morning to keep my mum happy!!

Here we go!

Awesome enjoy. Just put that into Google maps, it reckons its 2 days cycling, this of course excludes any stops for eating, sleeping, sight seeing ice-creams, wine tasting, enjoying yourself etc.


So jealous! I love that ferry, especially the overnight sailing and arriving at St Malo, rolling off the ferry into the early morning sunshine (hopefully!). First stop for me would be croissants at one of the boulangerie/patisseries in the old walled part of town.
Have previously done St Malo round the Cotentin peninsula to Ouistreham for the other Brittany ferry. Or Bordeaux (flew there) then cycled to Ouistreham. My favourite cycling destination.
Have a great time and don't forget the updates with photos so I can get REALLY jealous and maybe get myself back down there!
Bon voyage...... et bonne route.
The first morning of my honeymoon, almost 37 years ago, was "the overnight sailing and arriving at St Malo, rolling off the ferry into the early morning sunshine". In a Mini though, not on cycles.
It was Roscoff, not St Malo, but the same idea.
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Legendary Member
We are two days in and it’s just wonderful! So far, every town we’ve been to is glorious… Saint Malo, Dinard, Dinan and now Josselin! Really spectacular! The cycling has been great too…some incredible long distance bike paths or quiet country lanes. Just having a blast!
The cherry on the cake was getting to ride with @bluenotebob today, who had advised on our route through Brittany AND turned up with cold water and excellent cake for us! Having so much fun!









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