Nosherduke996, good man to move over from the dark side, I moved to mtb a few years ago after many years as a roadie.
Firstly, consider the bikes you and those you're are riding with are using, if you are on a hardtail, (even a very good one) and they are riding reasonably good full sus bikes, you will struggle to keep up on the rough/rocky downhills or any fairly technical descents, unless you are quite a lot better than them. As also mentioned, head angles and fork travel will also make a difference, as will the quality of the front suspension forks, and the way that they are set up. Wide bars and shorter stem also help downhill controll. As for tyre prssures, this really depends on the tyre, but if you run with a high pressure, above about 45 psi, then you are at the risk of really bouncing the back wheel (especially on a hardtail) at speed on a rough descent. The trick is to have the tyre hard enough not to get pinch flat punctures and soft enough to grip on all surfaces and help act as additional suspension, I usually ride with about 35 to 40psi, this is with 2.4inch Conti Mountain king suspersonics, this works well, and no pinch flats so far with this setup, I should add this is on my full sus bike.
That's all stuff to do with improving the bike, but the best improvement can be in you riding, as mentioned, weight backis the important thing, right back in many places, pick your route carefully, and as mentioned, you shouldn't be on the saddle over drop ofs or table tops/jumps etc., a guy at Ae came off infront of me, bought me down quite badly as well, he came to a table top and just tried to ride over it sitting on the saddle. A good idea is a skills course, the main thing as with improving with all technical skill sports, is practise and practise, but also decide what you want, do you want to keep up with these guys downhill, or would you prefer to ride at a slower pace and enjoy the ride more.