Yes I agree it is everyone else's fault!
But not the person who started shouting at me to get over while driving beside me. Then speeded up swerved in front of me and slammed the brakes on. I needed quite a lot of stitches but no doubt you would say that was my fault? Wil get back...dinner
not sure why you seem to think I'm apportioning blame for your incident, but hey. I've also never said people are 100% perfect, read my initial post on this thread if nothing else. I've put on here before several times how I was hit and run from behind & have suffered 3 years of surgery and knee problems since. I'm simply saying as is pretty much everyone else that such people and incidents are
exceptionally rare both in real life & compared to the doom and gloom dangerous activity portrayal of cycling from certain quarters of social & news media
I try to take a proportionate pragmatic view of the hazards and not overplay them to new cyclists such as the OP who could easily be put off by the misrepresentation of the incidences of scary drivers, and miss the sheer joy and fun and good challenge that 99% and more of cycling time is.
hope you have a lovely ride tomorrow and beyond.