After watching a few tips videos on you tube, I foolishly watched a couple of videos involving road rage and violence towards cyclists. This is maybe making me think of taking the mountain bike option ( biking trials away from the road ) rather than my original decision of buying a road bike.
Even my girlfriend is terrified of me cycling to work..............IS IT REALLY THAT BAD OUT THERE???
Don't forget there are (tens of??)
THOUSANDS of problemless journeys every day that don't get filmed & put on YouTube.
As bad as most of the uploaded ones are, they're the tip of a mainly incident-free iceberg!!!
However, my thoughts are;
1. Ride confident;
- Don't ride as though you're seeking permission to be on the road, to pull out & pass parked vehicles, etc...
2. Lights and reflectors when dark (legal requirement);
- If it all does go 'pear-shaped' after dusk, if you've not got any, this could be used against you, by a drivers insurance company (as you'd not be following the Law)
3. Helmet;
- Granted, it won't save you from a broken leg, collar-bone, etc.... But, it may save you from being fed pureed food via a spoon for life (I've worked in & around an A&E unit for 17 years, so have seen the results, helmeted & not!!)
4. Insurance;
- CTC & British Cycling both offer schemes (I've got 'B C' Silver cover) If any RTC is deemed to be your fault, they will pay any costs you are deemed liable for.
if you are the injured party, they will fight on your behalf, recovering cost of bike, personal injury, loss of earnings, etc...
Bearing in mind 'point 2'!!! (point '3' is not a legal requirement, but some companies may offer the 'culpable negligence' argument)
5. Mudguards;
- Okay, they won't stop you getting wet when it rains, but help to keep you dry after it's been raining (& stop the lines of road-filth up your chest/back)