jig-sore said:
i log all my rides !!!!!
your average mileage takes into account all the times you crawl up a hill at 9mph or stop for traffic etc. most of the time i ride between 18 and 24 mph on the flat but my average is very rarely near this, in fact i've never got over 19.3mph average.
anyone remember Mean, mode, and median from school ????
Over what is the average taken?
If i ride for 3/4 hours, 30 min will be "warm up" as i get out of town. 2/3 hours will be a mix of flat terrain and Surrey hills, 30 mins will be steady riding again through traffic to get home.
Average? 12-14 mph is actually pretty meaningless!
Typical on extended flatter sections: 20 mph
A lap of richmond park 16.5mph
to the park, 3 times round and home (29 miles) typically 14/15mph - rolling average not counting breathers between laps.
Comparing your average to other peoples average without having a comparable base is an utterly meaningless exercise in futility!
I have a numbers of routes i do faily regularly and have an experince based idea of good/bad/indifferent times for those.