Road bike cyclist no lights.

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Seems to happen a lot around here, no lights on the pavement came from behind a fence and nearly knocked me over. Stupid idiot. Kids are one thing full grown adults another, it wasn't like he was struggling. You can get a cheap enough set of lights for riding with street lights, no excuse they should do the same to cyclist on pavements and/or no lights as the do to cars with no tax. Impound them till a fine is paid or crush the bike.

Primal Scream

Get your rocks off
I have come to the conclusion that very many and possibly the majority of cyclists dont beleive the rules apply to them. I will admit my cycling and driving is in the metropolitan Essex area and North London so this may not apply to other areas.

Good example on Saturday evening I was cycling towards Romford, stopped at red lights on a ped crossing, two idiots on road bikes shot straight through causing the women who was about to step out to jump bback onto the pavement.

As for rlj in London it is endemic.
Throw em all in the Black Hole of Calcutta, they'll want some lights then... amongst other things.
Not sure I would go that far, you want to read what happened there and how it got its name.

I ride with two lights front and rear because I worry about not being seen, some people must have a death wish.
Likewise, though the 2nd set really are spares, ones a front halogen, not to bright, ones a bright flashing light, though on steady mode its not much use on the rural roads round here, and two rear flashing or steady, usually just use one set as I rarely ride at night, though I do ride in twlight, I put them on quite early as some roads pass under areas of over hanging trees and its quit dark, and this I am my worst enemy, I dont tend to wear bright tops, though I have a reflective belt, but usually I am back before I really need this. Though I must get some new wheel reflectors for this coming winter.


Über Member
Not sure I would go that far, you want to read what happened there and how it got its name.

I think a 16% survival rate from one night's stay should send a quick a clear message to other would-be offenders. However I'm sure that some wishy washy human right's nonsense will get in the way. Bah humbug!

Maybe an on the spot fine of some sort would suffice, if there's ever anyone around to enforce them.


Well-Known Member
I just got 2 sets for my Manchester to Blackpool an absolute bargain and there really bright :smile: can't wait to get them on the bike :smile:


Hey don't diss the no-light ninja's... they are out to make themselves famous...which never really happens until your dead.

Seriously it is a stupid waste of a life to die because you couldnt be arsed to put any lights on your bike. With so mant discret designs as well as oddles of cheap tat there is no exuse not to stay alive.
I think alot of folk get caught out this time of year - lights have fallen off/broken/batteries gone flat - stay out longer than expected, don't realise its started oing dark a bit earlier.
I see that a lot with cars, headlights not working ect.. but its no excuse really, at the end of the day its their safety and that of others, I have seen some on the road (all different types of riders) and they can be doing a fair lick, no lights dark clothes and bike doing 20mph if a car comes out on them from a junction not having seen them which is possible, who gets the blame in the paper, odds on it will be the driver. I am not great on a bike, but I have ridden and driven anything from bikes to trucks so I have a lot of road experience, and for the most part I know what others are going to do, so that helps me stay out of trouble (most of the time), I have had cars pull out on me even when in my white shirt and bright day light, I suppose I could have avoid the same situation at night no lights and a dark shirt ( if I had been in such a situation) chances are though he would not have seen me at all, and pulled out even further into the road forcing me into on coming traffic. Not his fault but mine, there is no excuse where your safety and that of others is concerned, your own safety in other situations i.e. competitive racing or any other form is you own concern.
Thats the problem, I was once stopped when a LOT younger, got a ticking off, never rode at night since without lights, but there is no respect for others, and none it seems for the Police when it comes to such things, you try and explain why to someone, and its like water of a ducks back.
I have had enough run ins with cars at night when blazing like a beacon to not even consider riding without at least lights, if not hi-viz too, and light coloured clothes too. Being dead is not as cool as it looks in Twilight.
Quit agree.
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