@nappadang so happens I'm on the hunt for a road bike myself, so cannot myself call an expert at all. However, one thing that might probably be important is to decide whether you want a bike with more comfort fit or one with more aggressive geometry. Once that's decided, just look up what's available, pop in to your LBS and have a go on number of different bikes. Since you have some experience of your current road bike, you will know whether whatever you will be test riding feels less or more comfortable. I have tried 4 bikes (including the one I rode for 36 miles as my first ever ride on a road bike) and one of those bike felt wrong the moment I leaned on the bars and started pedaling. Could not put a finger on what was wrong but it just did not felt right. What's your budget btw? I started at 400.00, upped it to 800.00 in the end. Though I had a crazy moment of looking at some carbon bikes but managed to calm down and so sticking with 800.00