Well that's kind of why I was asking for people that knew the roads . Richmond park would be a perfect example as I like to do a few laps of that when I get a spare few hours . Most of the roads in there are nice but there are a few areas that are not so good .
The road between Hampton and Walton between the water works is another nice run Im using a fair bit . Most of it is nice but not all of it . Missing surface tarmac seems to be the main issue but I wouldn't expect that to give me a flat . Its just not a nice surface .
All of my rides are for fun and I can pick any route to take that I like so there is no real set area that I have to ride .
I was thinking frequency, mileage and conditions.
I get about 2000 miles out of my tubs, but I keep them for clean roads, and nice weather mainly. If you are going to ride them as a 'special treat' and not every day, then get the best tubs you can afford and enjoy. They will feel great blasting around Richmond Park.
If you're going to commute on them in London - erm, get alloy clinchers.
You can fix most punctures with sealant, but it is prudent to carry a spare tub as well.