If we suddenly stop rljing will it stop people hating on us? No.
People hate us for many reasons and unless we all stop cycling, it's going to continue.
But why does it antagonise drivers so much? It can't be the law breaking because otherwise our pedals would antagonise them. It can't be the danger because they're not in danger and it turns out not to be dangerous. So what is it that generates such strong feelings for cyclist RLJing compared to all the other things going on?
One crucial difference is that when pedestrians cross on red it does not antagonize drivers and fuel negative stereotypes. It is not a good idea if you are a minority group in a democratic society to unnecessarily antagonize the majority.
If you want to be a wheeled pedestrian, buy a pair of roller skates.
I'll just add that Silly Cyclists shows the worst cyclists. I see and get plenty of videos of cyclists going through red lights. 9 out of 10 times it's on a pedestrian crossing with no pedestrians around.Spend just a few minutes on Silly Cyclists –and RLJing cyclists regularly endanger themselves, pedestrians, push chairs,older people, other cyclists, motor drivers and passengers, etc etc etc ...not only directly by their own action, but indirectly by risking setting off a chain of reactions where a motor vehicle, taking evasive action,could conceivably cause one hell of a lot of damage, ........ while the RLJ cyclist carries on “oblivious”.
Spend just a few minutes on Silly Cyclists –and RLJing cyclists regularly endanger themselves, pedestrians, push chairs,older people, other cyclists, motor drivers and passengers, etc etc etc ...not only directly by their own action, but indirectly by risking setting off a chain of reactions where a motor vehicle, taking evasive action,could conceivably cause one hell of a lot of damage, ........ while the RLJ cyclist carries on “oblivious”.
And you're equating that to (utterly useless!) reflectors on pedals? Honestly? That's daft.
The only effect of NOT having reflectors on your pedals is to yourself – if, God forbid, a driver hits you at night, you'll lose out for "contributory negligence". That's your personal call. Do you want the insurance cheque, or do you not?
But why does it antagonise drivers so much? It can't be the law breaking because otherwise our pedals would antagonise them. It can't be the danger because they're not in danger and it turns out not to be dangerous. So what is it that generates such strong feelings for cyclist RLJing compared to all the other things going on?
As MGBLemonrider has pointed out the DfT have in effect, through their guidance, made this an alternative.
It's because the vast majority of drivers try to avoid hitting other road users, including cyclists. That's why they dislike RLJers, both on bikes and motorised.