Just thought I'd share lessons I learned from Sunday's (very windy) Nottingham 100:
#1 I'm rubbish in the wind and on hills!!!
#2. I need to work on eating and drinking in the saddle. I only fed and watered at the feed stations - spent too long at them, therefore causing me to be slower overall than I need to be for London (don't want to get swept off the route). I didn't even take any gels whilst in the saddle either.
#3. Jaffa cakes and fig rolls turn to mush if they get wet in the rain (or sweat)
#4. Soreen malt loaf made me feel sick when I got back on my bike, possibly due to the fact that i drank High5 at the same time then being bent over the bike.
I was so scared of being blown over the road I hardly take my hands off the handlebars to eat, etc, so I've already started practising reaching into my pocket for things whilst moving, taking my bottle out without looking down, putting it back (tricker IMHO) without looking, both with either hand.
And I had a turbo session today with a coach (I was on the turbo, not her,) and she is trying to get me to concentrate on pulling up rather than forcing down the pedals. She reckons this will really help me be more efficient on the hills. She's emailing me some 'homework' then in a few weeks we are going out on the road.
I'm also going to practice with jelly tots, haribo, mule bars and sandwiches (started with that one yesterday)
Any feedback/experiences from those with more expertise would be gratefully received.
Off for a shower. I sweated so much on Judith's turbo my hair looks like a mop!
Cheers for now