RideLondon - Surrey 100 anyone?

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Phoenix Lincs

Über Member
Sleaford, Lincs
Ah but I was raised in Lancashire! (Runs and hides behind sofa)!

Phoenix Lincs

Über Member
Sleaford, Lincs
Just thought I'd share lessons I learned from Sunday's (very windy) Nottingham 100:

#1 I'm rubbish in the wind and on hills!!!

#2. I need to work on eating and drinking in the saddle. I only fed and watered at the feed stations - spent too long at them, therefore causing me to be slower overall than I need to be for London (don't want to get swept off the route). I didn't even take any gels whilst in the saddle either.

#3. Jaffa cakes and fig rolls turn to mush if they get wet in the rain (or sweat)

#4. Soreen malt loaf made me feel sick when I got back on my bike, possibly due to the fact that i drank High5 at the same time then being bent over the bike.

I was so scared of being blown over the road I hardly take my hands off the handlebars to eat, etc, so I've already started practising reaching into my pocket for things whilst moving, taking my bottle out without looking down, putting it back (tricker IMHO) without looking, both with either hand.

And I had a turbo session today with a coach (I was on the turbo, not her,) and she is trying to get me to concentrate on pulling up rather than forcing down the pedals. She reckons this will really help me be more efficient on the hills. She's emailing me some 'homework' then in a few weeks we are going out on the road.

I'm also going to practice with jelly tots, haribo, mule bars and sandwiches (started with that one yesterday)

Any feedback/experiences from those with more expertise would be gratefully received.

Off for a shower. I sweated so much on Judith's turbo my hair looks like a mop!

Cheers for now :smile:


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
Something I heard Phoenix Lincs, and its worth a try as it seems to work for me on medium difficulty hills, is every 3rd pedal stroke give an extra push. Get into a rhythm and it seems to increase your speed. I have no idea if this is an efficient means of doing it, but it does work for me.

I will stay away from Jaffa cakes and fig rolls. Never ever thought I would say that.


Senior Member
Start time just came through to me and friends via e mail

Your arrival time at QEOP: 06:42

Your personal load time is: 07:06

Your Personal start time: 07:42

Now its starting to feel close. But did 75m this week, just not all on the same day


Über Member
Mine just arrived.

Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100

The UK cycling event of the year is nearly here.

Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100 will be the largest sportive in the history of the UK. It will feature an outstanding route that takes in iconic London landmarks and stunning Surrey countryside before a memorable finale on The Mall where the London 2012 road cycling events finished.

There are two starts for the event; both at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, labelled the Blue start and the Black start.

Each start has 19 different waves and below is your recommended time to get to QEOP, the loading time of your wave and your actual start time.

Your arrival time at QEOP: 06:56

Your personal load time is: 07:20

Your Personal start time: 07:56

Please do make sure you are not late.

Since QEOP has undergone a huge amount of redevelopment work since the Olympics, it is unlikely that you will recognise the features of the park, so please do give yourself plenty of time to get from the edge of the Park to the start area, which is adjacent to iCity (previously the International Broadcast Centre).

Early waves have been allocated to faster riders and each wave will feature riders of a similar ability.

Detailed plans of the start and the facilities at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park are in the post to you in your Final Instructions magazine. This will also give you details of the Prudential RideLondon Cycling Show at ExCel from 1-3 August where you will pick up your timing device and rider documents.

Good luck on Sunday 4 August. It is sure to be a day to remember.


Legendary Member
Mine too.

Your arrival time at QEOP: 05:02

Your personal load time is: 05:26

Your Personal start time: 06:02

They are having a feckin laugh ain't they? Sixafekinclock?


Legendary Member
What was you estimated completion time to get a 6am start?

No idea, I don't even remember putting in an ECT!


rubbish uphill, downhill 'balast' make me fast
got 7:48 start. the bloke im riding with is off 36 mins before me! doh!

im hoping he can just be 'late'

Phoenix Lincs

Über Member
Sleaford, Lincs
My arrival time 06.48
Personal load time 07.12
Personal start time 07.48

@jifdave, don't think they'll let him be late, but he might have to go very slowly over the first bit til you catch up :smile:

Guessing we find out if its blue start or black start at registration on the Saturday?


rubbish uphill, downhill 'balast' make me fast
My arrival time 06.48
Personal load time 07.12
Personal start time 07.48

@jifdave, don't think they'll let him be late, but he might have to go very slowly over the first bit til you catch up :smile:

Guessing we find out if its blue start or black start at registration on the Saturday?

Well were off at same time so you can pace me back to him....
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