RideLondon - Surrey 100 anyone?

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^^^ this. If you're that worried just reduce the retention tension.


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
Looking at some of the horror stories on the LTB about riders crashing, being blocked going up hills by shed loads of people walking, being unable to unclip in time when someone stops in front of you etc I am wondering if I should consider taking the cleats off and going clipless just in case?

Never had too many problems on sportives before, I did get wiped out by a twat on a tandem turning right dead in front of me as he decided he had to go to the feed station once though and that hurt, but there wasn't 20k + riders on any of those.
Any thoughts on clipless or not?

I think we are talking about 2 completely different beasts here. Ive seen all sorts of various numbers (including unofficial riders) but lets be conservative and call the number of L2B at 40k, that is twice as many people as RideLondon. RideLondon is a completely closed road race, no traffic signals, no traffic, no left side only rules etc. In short there will be far less bunching going on, far less bottlenecking.

The hills bar the slight incline at Richmond Park don't start until about 45 miles into the ride so plenty of time for the faster riders to get ahead of the slower ones. Staggered start times, now Im not sure how they will do this, but I can only imagine (based on your estimated time of completion during initial registration for the event) that the faster riders will start ahead of the slower riders. L2B you had fast +slow going at all the different starting times.

There is a time limit to RideLondon, so although there will be plenty of charity riders there (myself included - see sig! hint hint :S) the whole thing is a much more serious affair than the friendly family out on bikes deal of L2B.

There are stricter rules on bikes, no Aero bars are allowed for example, im not expecting tandems etc like there were.

I'm not saying there wont be any chickens on bikes, or hairy bearded men in nurse outfits, but there will be far far fewer. And by the time you get to Newlands Corner I would expect riders to be well spread out.

The start may be a little congested, but again nothing like L2B. I'm sure accidents will occur, laws of probability state so many people pushing their own limits at speed on the road is going to lead to some accidents, but I'm sure they will be isolated incidents. Just ride within yourself.

In short, go clipless, wont be anything like L2B.


Active Member
Having ridden the Etape Caledonia for the last five years and the Great Manchester Cycle event last year, although the numbers are lower, the volume of riders released at the same time will probably be similar and I am not expecting and significant chaos as other are.

Where I am potentially expecting some congestion is with the middle and later groups when they come to a halt on Leith Hill.

After being released from the pen, I shall make the most of 2 mile rolling start to ease myself into the ride and hopefully by then we should have significantly thinned out by then. There will be many riders who will ride the start to quickly, however I shall be working hard on keeping my heart rate down whilst gently squeezing up my speed and I shall also be looking out for other smooth riders group up with.


Senior Member
Its getting close now and I'm realising how little I know. Never been involved in anything like it.
So I have a few questions if you don't mind.
Should i take loads of water in a back pack or just a couple of bottles which is be able to refill?
Same with food. Should I pack everything from sandwiches to jellies nuts, and dates? Or can I expect to grab bars or something on route?

I'm thinking about how to get there too. And the home journey afterwards. Will probably get a friend to drive me in but might take my own car if I can't get the train home. Will the trains cope with all those bikers?

I'm a bit worried about not finishing in 9 hours. I know there is the classics race. I guess the marshalls just wave you off the course do they? Is it strict on timing?

Thanks all


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
You carry water in a backpack, your knackering yourself out for the water! Dump it and take 2 bottles. Water + High 5 Zero Tablets in each plus spares for refills is what Im doing.

Food, use whatever keeps you powered. Im taking 8 gels (mix of High 5s again, raspberry plus energy gel, black cherry flavour torq gel, and a couple of SiS isotonic energy gels) and 3 mule bars (pinacolada). Large pocketful of haribo. Will stop at least once to refill water and Im going to experiment with the High 5 (again!) Super Carbs 4:1 as a final drink top up on a ride next month.

If nuts and berries and dates work for you, go for it, its all energy!

Most know very little, RideLondon are still sitting on the finer details, but I beleive there are Park and Rides available to park your car. Wait and see till the end of this month (apparently). Ive taken the stress out of the start by booking into the Stratford Olympic Premier Inn on the Saturday and Sunday night. Just need to figure how to get from the finish back to the hotel!
You carry water in a backpack, your knackering yourself out for the water! Dump it and take 2 bottles. Water + High 5 Zero Tablets in each plus spares for refills is what Im doing.

Food, use whatever keeps you powered. Im taking 8 gels (mix of High 5s again, raspberry plus energy gel, black cherry flavour torq gel, and a couple of SiS isotonic energy gels) and 3 mule bars (pinacolada). Large pocketful of haribo. Will stop at least once to refill water and Im going to experiment with the High 5 (again!) Super Carbs 4:1 as a final drink top up on a ride next month.

If nuts and berries and dates work for you, go for it, its all energy!

Most know very little, RideLondon are still sitting on the finer details, but I beleive there are Park and Rides available to park your car. Wait and see till the end of this month (apparently). Ive taken the stress out of the start by booking into the Stratford Olympic Premier Inn on the Saturday and Sunday night. Just need to figure how to get from the finish back to the hotel!

You could cycle.


Active Member
Its getting close now and I'm realising how little I know. Never been involved in anything like it.
So I have a few questions if you don't mind.
Should i take loads of water in a back pack or just a couple of bottles which is be able to refill?
Same with food. Should I pack everything from sandwiches to jellies nuts, and dates? Or can I expect to grab bars or something on route?

I'm thinking about how to get there too. And the home journey afterwards. Will probably get a friend to drive me in but might take my own car if I can't get the train home. Will the trains cope with all those bikers?

I'm a bit worried about not finishing in 9 hours. I know there is the classics race. I guess the marshalls just wave you off the course do they? Is it strict on timing?

Thanks all


Having done this distance and much more 50 + time, don’t panic about food and fluids.

Personally I am going for a quick time and I am taking two bottles = 1250mls of water with an energy supplement. 4 gels, wine gums and two oat based energy bars. I will also moderately carbo load the day before event and have a porridge based breakfast and if it is hot, I shall also pick up some extra fluid on the way.

If it were a friend or a member of my family doing this type of event for the first time, my advice would be to eat well the day beforehand, have a good carbohydrate type breakfast, just take two bottles of fluids, use the fluid and feed stations, but also have some bail out food for if you bonk (become hypoglycaemic) on the day. I also recommend that you test out any food and drink supplements you plan to use before the big day, just in case you do get a reaction.

Transport, sorry I cannot advise you, however with the 9 hour time limit, I have heard whispers that there are some planned short cuts (such as cutting out the Leith Hill loop) to speed up the stragglers. What average speed are you currently managing in your training?

Phoenix Lincs

Über Member
Sleaford, Lincs
I put 6.5 hours down as my estimate - but based on my training I reckon I could achieve 5:30. Too many factors to be certain though. Adrenaline on the day could make me faster, so could closed roads and the advantage of riding in a group. On the flip side, as you say there could be huge hold ups at the start before the masses thin out. Also with that number of people there're bound to be crashes. And that's assuming no "mechanicals".

Wow. Speedy SquareDaff! That's a fab time target x


Legendary Member
I have just discovered this thread and its been an interesting read. My Wife and I got in on the ballot and we will be riding the 100. A couple of weeks ago we set out from Byfleet, and rode the RLS route from there, taking in the three main hills. The hill up to Newlands Corner, looks a horror but is easy peasy lemon squeezy, Leith Hill, does take some getting up, but I managed it, using all the gears, without stopping, and I ain't that fit and I'm no spring chicken either, going down the hill was ACE! I was dreading Box Hill, after reading about it on various forums, but actually its no bother at all, its smooth, and the scenery is stunning. After Box Hill, there are a couple of hills, if I got the route right, on the way to Leatherhead that you might need to watch out for, bit if you can get up Leith Hill, you'll get up the rest no bother.

There are water stations at various points along the route so tow bottles should be enough on the bike, plus have a good drink before you start.

If its a very hot day, you''ll be glad of the shade going up Leith Hill, there is a lot of tree cover.

Really looking forward to this ride, it should be a great event.


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
You could cycle.

Dammit man always with the logic isn't it?!?! I reckon I will literally hate the sight of my bike by the end, and after hugs and massages the last thing ill want is to get back on it for a potentially lethal trip east thru central London to Stratford which will be closed off for the days racing, amongst heaving traffic due to those damned cyclists closing roads everywhere...oh wait.

I'm sure I've seen somewhere that Wiggle are selling (or going to be) some London100 clothes? Did I dream that? I can't find anything?

Yeah official announcement made few weeks back that Wiggle were the official retailers of RL and that there would be some RideLondon gear available (provided by dhb) but nothing released as yet. I got my RideLondon top from the failed ballot entry anyway so its all good. Will be wearing my Cancer Research UK top on the day anyhoot.

Will probably get some stuff myself anyway (bibs likely), just as a little token of taking part in an event which will grow into something enormous in time.

I have probably knackered myself for the start as I put down 8 hours. I was a little drunk when I actually signed up for this and smoked 24 a day, didn't actually own a bike and was completely honest on the form and put zero down for rides per week etc lol.

I may be starting beside Boris.


Über Member
Have to say, not that impressed with the organisation on this. Yes there's an e mail each week with a thousand and one mainly useless things, but having promised info on parking and baggage transfer it still seems scant

Phoenix Lincs

Über Member
Sleaford, Lincs
I have probably knackered myself for the start as I put down 8 hours. I was a little drunk when I actually signed up for this and smoked 24 a day, didn't actually own a bike and was completely honest on the form and put zero down for rides per week etc lol.

I may be starting beside Boris.

I was outside some alcohol when I entered too, think I said about 7 1/2 hrs? What time are you hoping to do come August?
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