It looks as if we'll be able to reach our main target - which is to get to the start line. It's been touch and go for a bit - I got back from the Fridays tour absolutely shattered and had to dive straight in to long days at work with a very large, complex and rapidly-changing job to get done. Last weekend when we got on the lightweight tandem for the first time in a few weeks after touring on the heavy tandem it felt impossibly twitchy, and I had no confidence at all in my ability to control the bike safely. Coupled with having to change the front tyre because of a bit of a bulge and a flat that meant that what started out as an intention to to a route that could turn into 60 miles became a short 14-mile outing, and I needed to stop several times in the first few miles.
Yesterday, in the drizzle, we took a deliberate decision to put our feet up for the day, and today we've done about 40 miles in two rides. And I feel a lot more comfortable on the bike.
We're in what's probably the second tandem group, Yellow start at 08:56. Our hotel is in West India Quay, so there's even an outside chance we'll be able to get a hotel breakfast before the 4-mile ride to the top of the Olympic Park. After starting, the second target on the day is Hampton Court, at which point (timing allowing) we decide whether we want to push on into the countryside or else cut down to 46 miles and just do the really fun bits - the big, wide closed London roads.
In a few years time, when I've got my fitness back properly, I still want to do the whole 100 miles on a solo bike. Despite two starts on the tandem we've never done more than 96.